Quicksilver Of 1906
A St. Lawrence Flier
Among the new boats building for the Summer's racing on the St. Lawrence is the Quicksilver. In this section where the waters are confined and generally calm, the high speed boat is more popular than along the coast. Here everyone attempts to beat his neighbor, and the rivalry between the different towns located along the river is very keen. The St. Lawrence has produced some very smart boats, notably Diana, Radium and So Long, as well as many others which have not achieved as wide reputation as those named. Quicksilver is the work in both design and build of Roy Stanley, of Cape Vincent, a thorough waterman, and its fine lines and construction show the degree of interest taken in this sport by everyone who lives along the river. The length over all is 26 feet 1 inch; breadth, 3 feet 3 inches; depth forward, 22 inches; depth aft, 16 inches. The high deck and flaring coaming increases the depth at the forward end of the cockpit to about 3 feet, and the long decks will tend to make her dry in any sea way. The boat is planked with two thicknesses of one-eighth-inch cypress on ribs 1/4 x 1/2 inch, spaced 2 inches on centers. The lines are very fine forward and flat aft, and the greatest beam being just forward of the transom, which is of the regular V form. The construction used makes the boat very stiff, and yet the weight of the hull is not over 300 pounds. It was designed and built with an idea of entering the Gold Challenge Cup race, but the minimum of 30 feet length decided upon shuts it out. No engine has yet been installed, but the 34-h. figured upon will place it among the leaders.
(Transcribed from The Motor Boat, June 25, 1906, p.5)
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page. — LF]