1910 Seattle Boat Show
The First Annual Seattle Motor Boat Show
February 8th to 12th, Inclusive
The Seattle Motor Boat Show will be held from Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 8th, to 11 p.m. Feb. 12th in the Mammoth Skating Rink of the corner of fourth and Seneca street. A very elaborative scheme of decoration has been submitted by Messrs. Coutourier & Houpert, of the Western Academy of Beaux Arts. These gentlemen are architects and decorators of wide experience abroad and in this country. Their drawings for the decorations and divisions of floor space suggest the Petit Palais where the automobile and motor boat shows of Paris are held. Of the twelve thousand available feet of floor space over half has already been contracted for.
The attractions in themselves are calculated to create a large attendance outside even of the interested actively or prospectively in boats, engines and sporting features. Of these an orchestra of thirty pieces under the leadership of Henry Hadley, the famous director, which will play for two hours each night, will be the chief. Arrangements are in course of progress by which the management expect to secure the big Boy’s band of the Tulalip Indian reservation for a concert each afternoon. An exhibit of aeroplanes under the auspices of the Aero Club of Seattle is another prospective feature. A "glider" of the latest French type has been ordered by a Seattle resident from Paris and should arrive in time to be placed on exhibition. Moving pictures of the fastest motor boat race in the world, of motor boat and automobile races, and other sporting events are planned hourly. The wave motor, the wireless telephone and a new type of rotary valve will be demonstrated. From the standpoint of a prospective buyer, the display of boats and engines, will from present indications, afford the best possible opportunity for examination and comparison. For those who do not already realize the potential value of our motor boating facilities, there will be plenty of educational matter and interesting data. One evening of the show will be set aside as club night. On that evening the yachting and motor boat men from the representative points along the entire Pacific Coast will convene in one huge banquet and lovefeast, following which the company will proceed to the Exposition Hall, where the Symphony Orchestra will render a program of appropriate selections and a special entertainment will be provided. It is the hope of the management to imbue this evening with a species of carnival spirit and to help along the idea everyone will be asked to wear yachting regalia.
The success of the affair rests in the hands of the exhibitors, who will be represented by a committee consisting of C. H. Chandler, S. V. B. Miller, F. M. Foulser, C. E. Plimpton and J. Campbell. A long list of boosters and backers are pledged to boom the attendance as soon as the floor space is subscribed. Anyone who proposes exhibiting should make arrangements at once as space is being rapidly contracted for. Detailed information will be furnished upon application to F. M. Foulser, 610 Colman Bldg., Seattle.
(Transcribed from Pacific Motor Boat, January, 1910, p. 31)
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page --LF]