1950 Gulf Hall of Fame

More Power to You

With the addition of four new members, Gulf's 100 Mile an Hour Club now consists of the only 12 men who, according to A.P.B.A. official records, have driven a boat at least 100 miles an hour. The new members and their means of qualification, are: Stanley Sayres, Seattle, Wash. — 160.32 with Slo-Mo-Shun IV; Paul Sawyer, South Harwich, Mass. — 115.04 with Alter Ego; Chuck Thompson, Detroit, Mich. — 107.394 with U-99 [Miss Pepsi]; Mel Crook, Montclair, N.J. — 111.868.

The following 14 guys and one gal were elected to the Gulf Marine Racing Hall of Fame for "brilliant achievement on the water" during 1950:

George Sarant, Freeport, N.Y., with Etta (Gold Cup Class) won his second successive Harwood Race Around Manhattan Island.

Ted Jones, Seattle, Wash., designer of Slo-Mo-Shun IV (G.C. Class), set heat and race records in winning Gold Cup.

Stanley Sayres, Seattle, Wash., with Slo-Mo-Shun IV set world one-mile record.

Lou Fageol, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, with My Sweetie (G.C. Class) led second Gold Cup heat until oil line trouble stopped him on the last lap; with Slo-Mo-Shun IV set lap, heat and race records in winning the Harmsworth.

Robert McAllister, III. Ventnor, New Jersey. He entered 29 heats with his Yankee Boy, a 48-cubic-inch runabout and won 19 firsts and 3 seconds. He won the National Championship at Cambridge, Maryland, and set a new five-mile competitive record at Red Bank. New Jersey of 47.319 miles per hour.

Paul Sawyer, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Sawyer raced two boats during the season, Belligero, 225 class, and Alter Ego 225-cubic-inch division 2. Sawyer set one of racing's most remarkable records with Alter Ego, which he converted to the 225 class on this occasion—a new straight-a-way record of 115.045 miles per hour. This marked the first time any boat other than a Gold Cupper surpassed the 100-mile-an-hour mark. Also, with Alter Ego, he was undefeated, making 9 starts and winning 9 firsts. He set a new competitive record of 75.188 miles per hour at Picton, Ontario. With his Belligero he competed in 19 heats winning 9 firsts and 6 seconds, and won the National Championship at Cincinnati.

Sid Street, Jr., Kansas City, Missouri. Street raced in both the 135-cubic-inch class and the 225-cubic-inch class. With his 135. Gee Whiz, II he competed in 18 heats, winning 9 firsts and 5 seconds. setting a new one-mile straight-a-way record of 97.345 miles per hour. With his 225, Z-Z-Zip:he raced in 14 heats, winning 11 firsts and 2 seconds, setting a new competitive five-mile record of 8L782 miles per hour.

Robert Lueckenhoff, Dearborn, Michigan. With a 135-cubic-inch hydroplane, Miami Boy, he competed in 29 heats, finishing first 13 times and second 9 times. He defeated every other outstanding 135 class boat at least once.

Ruby Scull, Ventnor, New Jersey. The only woman elected to the 1950 Hall of Fame. Mrs. Scull, a housewife with two children. entered her 48-cubic-inch runabout, Mickey Mouse, in 28 heats. She won 7 firsts and 11 seconds and set a one-mile straight-a-way record at New Martinsville, West Virginia, of 53.258 miles per hour.

Guy Lombardo, Freeport, L. I., N. Y. Lombardo won election to the Hall of Fame for the third time with his Gold Cup boat, Tempo VI. Lombardo was one of the high point Gold Cup scorers of the year, winning the National Sweepstakes Regatta at Red Bank. New Jersey, along with the Red Bank Gold Cup. He also won the Gold Cup Races at the Buffalo Regatta, Wilson's Point Regatta and the Maryland Yacht Club. He placed second in the Detroit Gold Cup, being one of two boats to complete all three heats.

Earl Hildebrand, Arlington, Virginia. With his 48-cubic-inch hydroplane, Jo-Ho, II, he competed in more races than any other driver in this class. Out of 27 starts he won 16 firsts and 9 seconds.

Joe Van Blerck, Freeport, L. I., N. Y. Van Blerck was elected to the Hall of Fame for the fourth time this year. His 7-liter boat, Aljo, won the National Championship and a number of important free-for-all races during the year.

(Reprinted from Yachting, February 1951)