International Motorboat Union [1908]

The Motor Yacht Club

We are informed by the secretary of the Motor Yacht Club that some months ago the Kaiserlichter Automobile Club approached the Motor Yacht Club on the question of an international agreement for rating and rules for motor-boats, and as to whether it was possible shortly to convene an international conference. The Motor Yacht Club replied expressing every wish to join in such a conference, but pointed out that the Marine Motor Association was the body in this country by whom such matters were governed. Professor Busley, of the Imperial Yacht and Automobile Clubs of Germany and chairman of the German Motor Yacht Association, has now invited the Motor Yacht Club to convene an international conference in London, suggesting that a date be chosen, so that advantage may be taken of the presence in London of the delegates of the International Yacht Racing Association. Wednesday, January 29, has accordingly been fixed for the conference, which will be held at the Royal Automobile Club at 5 p.m. The Motor Yacht Club is sending invitations to all home and foreign clubs interested in the question, and has requested the Marine Motor Association to send representatives to discuss with the delegates of the foreign clubs all questions of international rules and rating.

The Motor Yacht Club has sent a definite challenge across the Atlantic to the Motor Boat Club of America for the British International Cup.

(Transcribed from the Times of London, Jan. 21, 1908, p. 9. )

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page — LF]