Lozier Challenger Cup
Lozier Challenge Cup [1906]
The Lozier Motor Company have been exhibiting at their New York office, a very hand-some trophy in the form of a large silver cup which will be competed for by power boats in the Argentine Republic. Great interest has been created in power boat racing in Argentine within the past eighteen months, and the trophy, which will be known as the Lozier Challenge Cup, has been presented to the Argentine Y.C. jointly by the Lozier Motor Company and their Buenos Ayres representatives.
The cup is 21 inches in height and is engraved with panels representing a high-powered automobile racing boat at full speed. The competition for the Lozier Cup is an annual one, all power boats under 28 ft. in length being eligible under special rules of the club.
(Transcribed from Power Boat News, April 7, 1906, p. 72. )
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page. — LF]