Rossi's Boats and Trophies Lost [1946]
One of the unrecorded tragedies of the war in Italy is the story of the loss of Count Theodore Rossi's Gold Cup boats and trophies. When American Air Forces found it necessary to bomb waterfront areas in Milan, a warehouse in which. the two boats Alagi and Aradam were stored, was blown to bits along with everything in it. These boats were in Detroit in 1937 when the Count competed in the Gold Cup race at that time.
Later in another air raid on Turin, an incendiary bomb landed near the home of the Count and destroyed the home and all trophies and mementos of his racing in the United States and elsewhere. In an interview recently with correspondent Bob La Blond, formerly of the United Press, and who sent the word back to the Detroit News, the Count was greatly pleased to meet some one from Detroit and wished to extend his best wishes to all his friends in the motor city.
The only trace of the boats ever found was a bit of the crank-shaft of one engine. These were Isotta-Fraschinis, used originally in some of the planes which made the historic flight around the world with General Balbo. While Rossi regretted the loss of the boats, his primary concern was for the wonderful collection of trophies, plaques, pictures and clippings which cannot be replaced. The Count cherished these above all else as an evidence of the events, and goodwill which he enjoyed while on his visit here. He still has hopes to build some new boats and return again for another try at some of our famous caps.
It is, of course, well known that Count Rossi is head of the vermouth industry which bears his name. This plant was likewise destroyed, so the Count was quite embarrassed at not being able to serve vermouth; his wineries, however, came through the war unharmed.
(Reprinted from Motor Boating, February 1946, p.135)