Running the Snake River in 1910
The Only Motor Boat That Ever Ran the Snake River Rapids
The Campbell Hardware Company, of Seattle, representing the Ferro, have received a picture of the Flyer, the motor boat owned by Glover & MacFarlane, Asotin, Wash., which is successfully navigating the dangerous Snake River Rapids in low water stage, a feat which no other power boat has ever dared to do.
The Flyer was built under the personal supervision of Mr. E. G. MacFarlane, one of the ablest and most experienced boatmen in the Pacific Northwest, who for many years has filled practically every position on the boats in British Columbia and on Puget Sound and whose knowledge of nautical matters is very thorough.
The Flyer is equipped with a 25 h.p. Ferro, of which Mr. MacFarlane recently said, "our engine can be depended upon to carry us through dangerous places without stopping."
In applying for a license for the Flyer Mr. MacFarlane’s papers were signed by several of the best and oldest captains that ever directed a boat on the Snake River. The Flyer as constructed especially for the accommodation of the mining trade plying between Asotin and the mining section.
(Transcribed from The Western Yacht and Launchman, Aug. 15, 1910, p. 11.)
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page --LF]