Victoria Motor
The Victoria Motor [1906]
At the recent Paris Exposition a new type of two-stroke motor, called the Victoria, created considerable favorable comment. As shown by the illustration [not available —LF], it is of the double opposed type, with trunk pistons, around the lower end of which an annular space is provided which acts as a pump and compresses the mixture, as is necessary with the two-cycle type. The by-passes are arranged so that the compression for each cylinder is provided in the lower end of its opposite. Explosions take place alternatively in the cylinders and the balance is said to be perfect. It would apparently be very simple to arrange this motor on the three-port principle. In any case only one carburetor is used. By a valve in the by-pass it is possible to put the two compression chambers in communication, and so throttle the motor to a very low speed--a thing hitherto impossible with a two-cycle type.
The double opposed type also lends itself readily to the use of a small flywheel and stows well in a boat, while the length of the pistons reduces side wear on the cylinders to a minimum. The arrangement also does away with any possibility of leakage around the shaft, as in the ordinary two-cycle pattern, and makes it possible to use an open crank case, which is conducive to cool running. The motor can, of course, be made with any number of cylinders and cranks upon one shaft, and is said to be remarkably powerful for its weight. Victoria motors are also made vertical, and the same system of trunk pistons is used, but in this case the balance will necessarily not be as good as in the double opposed. The design is such as to render the construction easy and inexpensive, and the motor will run in either direction, and can be reversed on a switch, as is customary with two-cycle motors. it is also said to be more economical than is usual with the two-cycle type. The motor created considerable interest, and arrangement have already been made to commence its manufacture in England.
(Transcribed from The Motor Boat, March 25, 1906, p. 19. )
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page. —LF]