Webb Trophy [1910-1942]

Webb Trophy [1910-1942] (Pt.1)
No. Year St. Winner Owner Driver Designer Mech.
1. 1910 9 Red Top II W.E. Hughey W.E. Hughey William Fauber  
2. 1911 6 Disturber II James Pugh James Pugh? William Fauber Harry Hoff
3. 1912 3 Baby Reliance III (1) Smith-Ryan John Ryan Ryan-Smith Jay Smith
4. 1913 4 Oregon Kid S.F. Brock Harry Groat John Hacker S.F. Brock
5. 1914 7 Baby Speed Demon II Chris Smith Jack Beebe Chris Smith  
6. 1915 4 Buffalo Enquirer William Conners William Conners Jr. Chris Smith Bernard Smith
7. 1916 5 Miss Minneapolis (1) George Mowry Bernard Smith Chris Smith Jay Smith
9. 1918 2 Miss Detroit II Gar Wood Gar Wood Chris Smith Jay Smith
9. 1919 4 Miss Quincey Clifford Padgett Clifford Padget? John Hacker  
10. 1920 1 Miss Toronto II Fritz Ericson Phil Wood Chris Smith Fritz Ericson
11. 1921 3 Miss Chicago Sheldon Clark Sheldon Clark Chris Smith Bernard Smith
12. 1922 3 Miss Chicago Sheldon Clark Clark-George Wood Chris Smith Bernard Smith
13. 1923 4 Fore K.D. Foreman Elmer Richards    
14. 1924 4 Fore K.D. Foreman W.D. Foreman?    
15. 1925 2 Doc’s II L.R. Van Sant L.R. Van Sant    
16. 1926 9 Hoosier Boy (4) J.W. Whitlock J.W. Whitlock J.W. Whitlock  
17. 1927 5 S-M J.E. Sellman J.E. Sellman    
18. 1928 7 Pal Russell Dowers Russell Dowers?    
19. 1930 6 Miss Cincinnati III Cam Fischer Cam Fischer Cam Fischer?  
20. 1931 6 Miss Texas J.E. Sellman J.E. Sellman   Walter Edwards
( Competition for the Webb Trophy was suspended during The Great Depression.
It was revived when the trophy was retrieved from Texas. )
21. 1940 6 Pinto Ralph Dodge Ralph Dodge    
22. 1941 6 Why Worry (3) Bill Cantrell Bill Cantrell Arno Apel Kenneth Schott
23. 1942 5 Tops IV Jack Cooper Jack Cooper Arno Apel  


Webb Trophy [1910-1942] (Pt.2)
No. Year St. Winner Owner Driver Course Lap City-
Race Site
1. 1910 9 Red Top II W.E. Hughey W.E. Hughey 5 27.933 Peoria, Illinois-Illinois River Bellevue 2476
2. 1911 6 Disturber II James Pugh James Pugh? 5 34.548 Dubuque, Iowa-Mississippi River ? Sterling 662
3. 1912 3 Baby Reliance III (1) Smith-Ryan John Ryan 5 40.449 Davenport, Iowa-Mississippi River Van Blerck 1710
4. 1913 4 Oregon Kid S.F. Brock Harry Groat 62.500? Keokuk, Iowa-Cooper Lake   Van Blerck 856
5. 1914 7 Baby Speed Demon II Chris Smith Jack Beebe 46.875 Peoria, Illinois-Illinois River Sterling 1282
6. 1915 4 Buffalo Enquirer William Conners William Conners Jr. 49.180 Hannibal, Missouri-Mississippi River Sterling 1282
7. 1916 5 Miss Minneapolis (1) George Mowry Bernard Smith 1   St. Paul-Mississippi River Sterling 1282
9. 1918 2 Miss Detroit II Gar Wood Gar Wood 2 56.360 Moline, Illinois-Mississippi River Sterling 1282
9. 1919 4 Miss Quincey Clifford Padgett Clifford Padget? 2 31.578 Moline, Illinois-Mississippi River Pierce Budo 151
10. 1920 1 Miss Toronto II Fritz Ericson Phil Wood 2 58.500 Burlington, Iowa-Mississippi River Liberty 1650
11. 1921 3 Miss Chicago Sheldon Clark Sheldon Clark 60.646 Peoria, Illinois-Illinois River Liberty 1650
12. 1922 3 Miss Chicago Sheldon Clark Clark-Gecrge Wood 52.023 Peoria, Illinois-Illinois River Liberty 1650
13. 1923 4 Fore K.D. Foreman Elmer Richards 62.500 Burlington, Iowa-Mississippi River Liberty 1650
14. 1924 4 Fore K.D. Foreman W.D. Foreman? 61.223 Oshkosh, Wisconsin-Lake Winnebago Liberty 1650?
15. 1925 2 Doc’s II L.R. Van Sant L.R. Van Sant 57.692 Whitehall, Michigan-White Lake  
16. 1926 9 Hoosier Boy (4) J.W. Whitlock J.W. Whitlock 5 64.056 Louisville, Kentucky-Ohio River Liberty 1650
17. 1927 5 S-M J.E. Sellman J.E. Sellman 56.962 Houston, Texas  
18. 1928 7 Pal Russell Dowers Russell Dowers? 53.380 St. Louis-Mississippi River  
19. 1930 6 Miss Cincinnati III Cam Fischer Cam Fischer 62.197 Madison, Indiana-Ohio River Curtiss 1145
20. 1931 6 Miss Texas J.E. Sellman J.E. Sellman 1   Beaumont, Texas-Naches River  
( Competition for the Webb Trophy was suspended during The Great Depression.
It was revived when the trophy was retrieved from Texas. )
21. 1940 6 Pinto Ralph Dodge Ralph Dodge   Keokuk, Iowa-Lake Keokuk  
22. 1941 6 Why Worry (3) Bill Cantrell Bill Cantrell 24   Keokuk, Iowa-Lake Keokuk Hisso 717
23. 1942 5 Tops IV Jack Cooper Jack Cooper   Springfietd, Ill.-Lake Springfield Lycoming 225


[Statistics from Greene, V.1]