Steve Montgomery
H1’s Montgomery Retiring

In a Tuesday, November 25 email to H1 owners, drivers and officials, H1 Director of PR and Communications Steve Montgomery said:
Before the season, I told a gathering at the Hydroplane Museum in Seattle that 2014 would be my farewell tour as far as my day to day role with H1. Now its time to keep that promise and turn the website, press releases, social media, etc. over to younger, nimbler fingers.
I am proud of the progress we made in all of these areas since I came on board in 2009 and most of that could not have happened without Walt Ottenad’s help as my IT guy – helping with the back end of the website and all things internet and video. Thank you Walt. Hopefully the sport will come to realize your true value.
I did my first Seafair broadcast in 1974. 40 years of commissioners and chairmen from Don Jones to Steve David. Won’t begin to list the boyhood heroes and fascinating people I got to know along the way. Just about every name in the modern history of he sport is on the list.
When we gather for a banquet or any event related to the sport, I realize most of my best friends in the world are in the room. So Debbie and I will still be around. We will be doing some projects for race teams and race sites and Steve David promised us life time pit passes. We will hold him to that and see you at your races.
Our time table is to have a new person or persons up to speed by the end of January. Until then, I will continue to help with anything you need.
My goal as announcer and PR guy was always to make the sport look and sound as good and professional as possible. I hope you feel I accomplished some of that.
Thanks for everything and letting me be part of your incredible sport for so long.H1 Chairman Steve David responded saying:
H-1 has been so fortunate for decades to have Steve Montgomery as our announcer, media manager, PR person, radio personality, sponsor hunter, and virtually every other task ever asked of him. After four decades of service, Steve has decided it’s time to slow down a bit. You’ll likely still that hear convincing voice, backed by incredible knowledge at the race sites Steve chooses. |
From all of us at H-1, words cannot express our thanks for the level of dedication and service Steve has provided not only to H-1, but to our fans and stakeholders.
At our annual meeting we will be acknowledging Steve Montgomery for his outstanding service and hope that many of you will be present to witness this landmark of service and show him the appreciation that each of us feels.
Steve David
November 25th, 2014
[H1 Unlimited]