1905 Harmsworth
British Motor-Boat International Cup
The motor-boat race for the British International Cup which was decided here to-day, was almost a "walk-over" for England, but the entry, at the last moment, of M. Pinaud-Duanip's Loodit III, and Mr. Thubron's Mab, to defend the trophy on France's behalf, provided a race, though, as events turned out, the British success was so pronounced as to overshadow the sporting action of the owners of the two French boats.
The American boats, Challenger and Dixie, were withdrawn before the day, as were the French craft Palaisoto, Dietrich VI, and Hotchkiss. This left England as the only entrant, but, as mentioned, the entry of two high-powered French boats was secured. Loodit has a Berliet motor developing 100-horse power, and Mab is fitted with the 80-horse power Richard-Brasier, which Mr. Thubron took from Trefle-au-Quatre, last year's winner.
To-day's race was over a distance of about 35 miles and the event ended in a double victory for England, Napier II finishing first in 2hrs. 2min. 26sec. The winning boat was entered by Mr. Lionel Rothschild and the Hon. John Scott-Montagu, M.P. Lord Howard de Walden's English boat, Napier, was second, and Mr. Thubron's Mab third. Brooke (Captain Corbet and Mr. Mawdsley Brooke) broke down.
(Transcribed from the London Times, Sep. 12, 1905, p. 12. )