1905 Red Bank Carnival

Racing at Red Bank

The citizens and merchants of Red Bank contributed liberally towards the Automobile and Power Boat Carnival, held Thursday, August 10th. With sufficient funds, lots of hard work on the part of the various committees, cooperation on the part of automobile and power boat owners, the Carnival should have been a complete success. But automobile owners "fell down." the advertised parade was but a corporal's guard. What, however was deficient in this line was more than made up by the power boat races and the illuminated parade at night.

The wharves were black (or rather white) with spectators, lawns fronting the river were crowded and every point of vantage was covered. On the river within the circle marking the turn in the course hundreds of sight seers were in boats anchored and moored.

Naturally the interest was centered in the racing of the speed and semi-speed launches, more particularly as they were of local build and ownership.

E. J. Schroeder's Skeeter, rated 74.85, engine rated 61.06, gave handicap of 11 minutes and 23 seconds to C. M. Petterson's Dream, and to John M. Richard's Blue Streak 16 minutes and 30 seconds. It was generally thought that, barring accident, Skeeter would win out, but, not being able to start the engine until the other two boats had covered the course twice, she had no show. In this race Blue Streak won over Dream by a close margin.

In the semi-speed class there were 8 entries and but 5 starters. Chas. P. Irwin's Skudelbug and C. M. Petterson's Fly Dutchman seemed the two boats nearer matched. Fly Dutchman, being scratch boat, had to give Skudelbug 7 minutes and 38 seconds, and but for heating up a crank pin bearing Fly Dutchman would have won.

In the cabin class A. C. Longyear's Nereides was winner, with Aug. Minton's Vega winner in the open launch race.

The illuminated parade was a brilliant pageant. M. C. D. Borden's launch, with her vari-colored electric illumination was especially pleasing.

The owner of Yankee Boy very kindly offered his commodious craft for members of the press, and the use of such a noble craft was fully appreciated by those fortunate enough to be on board.

(Transcribed from Power Boat News, Aug. 19, 1905, pp. 379-382. )

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page. — LF]