1906 A.M.B.A. Championship

Peacock Wins Prizes

Glasgow handicap Trophy and $1,000 Cup for Him

(by telegram to the Tribune)

Frontenac, N.Y., Aug. 18.--Clarence M. Peacock's motor boat, the Pirate, won the Glasgow handicap Trophy, given by Commodore J. G. R. Glasgow of the American Power Boat Association, and the $1,000 championship cup of the same association to-day. Alexander R. Peacock, his father, came from Pittsburgh with a party of friends on his steam yacht, the Irene, to see his son race.

Seldom are motor boat races as interesting to the spectator as those of to-day, for in both contests the finished were only a few seconds apart.

The race for the $1,000 trophy, which has become a permanent fixture of the association, was straightaway, free for all, and without handicap.

The race for the Commodore Glasgow Handicap Trophy was twice over a seven mile triangular course. The handicaps were based on actual time made in the trial races and a rule that any boat bettering its trial time by more than 5 per cent should be disqualified. This served to preclude any jockeying for handicaps in the trial races.

The entries were the Viper, Commodore J. G. R. Glasgow; the Navajo, William G. Beers; the What Next, Harry Crouse; the Vingt-Trois, B. Gillespie; and the Pirate, Clarence M. Peacock.

The race for the American Motor Boat Association Championship Cup Trophy was three times around a seven-mile course. The winner holds the trophy for a year.

The entries were Arab II, Ralph Sidway; the Triton, Alexander T. Brown; the Got To Go, W. B. Hayden; Vingt-Et-Un II, W. S. Kilmer. All but the Pirate, the Triton and the Got To Go met with mishaps before finishing the first round.

(Transcribed from the New York Daily Tribune, Aug. 19, 1906, p. 9. )

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page — LF]