1906 Juvisy Regatta
The Fall Regatta at Juvisy [1906]
The Fall meet at Juvisy, France, on September 16 was won in the racer class by La Lorraine, the fast cruiser which has made such a fine record this season. Running against her were the Hydroplane, built by Count de Lambert and illustrated in THE MOTOR BOAT of July 25, 1906, and the Ricochet-Nautilus, the little 10-foot gliding boat. La Lorraine won easily because of mishaps to her competitors. The de Lambert boat attained a speed on one round of 24 miles per hour, but through breakdown of her motor only took a poor position at the finish. Ricochet-
Nautilus collided with La Lorraine at a turn, and was put out of the running. In the 6½ meter cruiser class, Nautilus Mutel covered 24.85 statute miles in 1:57:50; Extra Dry for the same distance took 2:12:47. In the 8-meter class Nautilus B.V. won in 1:50:36, her only competitor Aya IV, taking 3:29:56. This closes the French racing season, with the exception of the Coupe da Salon, which will be run off during the month of December at Paris.
Transcribed from The Motor Boat, Oct. 10, 1906, p. 11.
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page. — LF]