1907 Harmsworth Trophy

Dixie Goes to Win International Cup

Will Race for Famous British Trophy at Isle of Wight in August

Chances Thought Good

Will Probably Only Have the English Boats, as French and Italian Fliers Are Not Entered

On board of the Minneapolis yesterday the crack American motor-boat Dixie was shipped to England to compete for the International Cup off the Isle of Wight on Aug. 3. Before she departed the Motor Boat Club of America formally presented to Commodore E. J. Schroeder, her owner, a fine set of new silk colors. Commodore Schroeder in replying to the presentation from his club members said that he believed his boat had a good chance to bring back the coveted trophy, and at all events the the Burgee of the Motor Boat Club of America and the United States ensign which she would fly in the race would not be last at the finish.

The boat was in charge of Capt. Pearce, who has steered her in all her races.

Dixie not only holds the American record for motor boats, but she has been practically unbeaten in her entire racing career. Her record was made in the recent races at Lake Worth. Over the measured mile course there she actually averaged very close to 2:20 for the mile. This was made in still water, with practically no tide, and was accomplished in seven trials in competition. There was some dispute as to whether it was really as fast as the Standard had done on the Hudson in which she made a mile in 2:10 with the tide and 2:34 against it. Actually considering the tide conditions and the longer time which the Standard bucked the tide, the Standard's performance was the better, but nevertheless on actual time the Dixie fairly won the title of American champion even over the larger and more powerful boat.

It is true that in the recent races at Monte Carlo the French boats actually made much better records than Dixie has ever made or probably could make. But neither the Panhard Tellier, which won at Monte Carlo, nor the Rapiere II, which finished second there, is at present entered for the International Cup, nor is it expected that they will enter. Fiat XV, the Italian boat which made such a good showing there isn't likely to compete.

(Transcribed from the New York Times, July 7, 1907, sect. IV, p. 2. )

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page — LF]