1907 Inter-Lake Association Regatta
The 1907 Regatta of the Inter-Lake Yachting Association
Perhaps some of you may remember that Boating began its existence two years ago this month with the first comprehensive and authentic account of an Inter-Lake regatta that was ever published in all the years of its establishment. It became a part of our faith to record the facts of these annual meetings in which we are interested, kith and kin, and because we are so concerned, cannot excuse ourselves from committing them to writing for the advantage of posterity. No matter how far we may grow across this broad land nor how multitudinous may become our duties and the demands upon our space and time, we hope we may always return each year to spend a few hours on our home waters -- Lake Erie.
Officially instituted in the year 1894, this year's meet at Put-in-Bay was the fourteenth annual regatta of the Inter-Lake Yachting Assn. And it was a regatta indeed. When the yachts assembled they were sent upon the race course and were kept there during the morning period each day during the week, until their abilities were known and the supremacy of the winners decided without a question of a doubt. That, we take it, is the prime purpose of a race meet and a feature of this year's event which stamps it as successful.
The attendance of motor-driven craft and especially of those built for speed was so exceptional this year that they should have been given more than two short races. Seven racers were on hand, all of them in running order which is almost a record on fresh water; it is unusual to get more than three or four in any one class even in the big eastern carnivals.
The cruiser class did not materialize probably because there is little incentive for the big fellows to run out to a three mile flag and back again when they are better fitted for a long distance contest of a hundred miles or more. As it was there were three starters from the score of available craft that were present.
The handicap races were scheduled for Wednesday afternoon and both classes were sent away on one gun at 2 o'clock. In the speed boat class Arrow won in decisive manner, beating the entire fleet on actual time. She made better than 19 miles an hour, which is going some for a 15 horsepower outfit.. Her engine is a Smalley and her owner is Arthur Shaw of Bay City, Mich.
DeMooy of Cleveland, starting from scratch, was second. This skate model is good for 20 miles an hour and has made better speed, but she was bothered some by the choppy sea and could not open up to her full capacity. Built for use on the southern rivers she is only at her best on smooth water. As it was she made a fine showing, beating the third boat ten minutes. DeMooy is provided with a DeMooy engine of stock model that showed great efficiency.
P.D.Q., the Scripps racer from Detroit, took third place, running evenly the whole way. Her motor was not turning over to its full capacity as is shown by her time. At Monroe, this craft made 17 miles an hour with ease.
Vim, of Sandusky, a new boat with a new engine, was fourth on actual time but her high rating put her in last place on time allowance. She was built bu the Davis Boat Works and is powered with a six cylinder Vim motor.
Little Grayling, Ecce and Stormy Petrel finished in order, the first named taking fourth and the last fifth place.
The free for all races on Thursday afternoon brought in a new contestant in the speed boat class, Weasel of Lakewood owned by Walter C. Baker. She arrived from Port Clinton just as the race was called and left immediately afterwards. Arrow won again by about 4 seconds from Mr. baker's flyer but the champion was crowded harder than on the first day; DeMooy was third. Owing to the fact that no record was kept of the race the time of the contestants cannot be ascertained, but it was understood that the winner made about 20 miles an hour.
When the prizes were distributed Friday night there was a goodly array of cash and silver trophies for the winners. To the undying credit of those who donated cups this year there were no strings on any of them and they passed into the absolute possession of the yacht owners.
Three cash prizes were awarded for each race and these aggregated . . . $45 in the auto boat class, $30 in the cruiser class . . .Arrow won the Smalley silver cup and the Jennison Hardware Co, trophy . . .
(Excerpts transcribed from Boating, September 1907, pp. 15-25.)
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page. — LF]