1907 Jamaica Bay Yacht Club Regatta

Big Time on Jamaica Bay

Perhaps one of the most interesting races ever held in Jamaica Bay took place June 23, under the auspices of the J.B.Y.C. The race was between two 30-footers, both built from the same moulds and practically of the same displacement, the only difference between the two boats being that one engine had half an inch more stroke than did the other. Both were fitted with four-cycle motors, with 4½ x 4½ inches bore, the Spindrift using an F. A. Sietz motor, 20-24 hp., and the Cannon Ball a Mercury motor, 4½ x 5 inches, 255-32 hp.

The two boats met in a race June 21, but on account of the pump failing to work properly in the Cannon Ball the Spindrift soon lost her competitor; but from the burst of speed made by the Cannon Ball early in the race, it was apparent that the Spindrift had no decided advantage in the matter of speed. Consequently when it was announced that the two boats would meet again, the sports came forth to back their favorite.

P. von Boeckmann was in charge of the race, acting as referee and time keeper. The course was twenty-five miles, five laps of five miles each. Weather and water were in perfect condition, and the two racers raised a cheer as they flew on their journey. Both boats turned the first stake together, and at the end of five miles, which was the first lap, the Spindrift had gained but a few lengths. So, lap after lap, the race was fought, the Spindrift gaining steadily. At the beginning of the last lap it was apparent that, unless the Spindrift met with an accident, or the Cannon Ball could make an unexpected jump, the leader would win handily, which she did, by 1 minute and 22 seconds.

Though both boats ran smoothly and regular, the Spindrift made a remarkable record over the course in that her time did not vary over three seconds on any of the first four laps. Her time being, respectively, 15:41, 15:43, 15:42, 15:41 and the time for the entire distance, 1:18:10 2-5.

The owner of the Cannon Ball has challenged the winner for another race, perhaps to be run July 4, and when she does come up to the dock she will be loaded to the gunwales with "the long green."

(Transcribed from The Motor Boat, July 10, 1907, p. 34. )

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page. — LF]