1907 Monaco Regatta

Entries For The Monaco Meeting

Entries for the Monaco meeting, to be held April 1 to 16, have been finally announced, and make a notable list. in all, they number 90, of which 22 are classed as racers, 52 as cruisers, 12 are vedettes or naval picket boats, and 4 are hydroplanes. Four countries are represented -- France, Italy, England and Switzerland -- the French boats, of course, predominating.

Chief among the racing boats is Antoinette IV, whose motor equipment is that remarkable 24-cylinder 360-h machine shown at the Paris show last Winter and described in The Motor Boat of January 10, 1907. Other high-powered boats include Mendelssohn IV, with a 500-h Mutel, Panhard-Tellier, two 100-h Panhards; Jeanette, two 120-hp Itala motors, and San Giorgio, Which will have four 80-h Napier motors. Particulars are lacking of many of the most interesting boats, for in no other event is the policy of secrecy carried to such an extreme as in connection to this meeting.

While the racing boats are classified according to length only, there is a limitation to the cylinder capacity in the cruising classes besides the length limitation. Criticism of this feature has been made in the past, but the large number of entries bearing the names of well-known makers of motors and hulls would seem to prove that it works no general dissatisfaction. That the new class for hydroplanes has attracted four entries, shows the interest in this most advanced type of racing machines and the performances of the gliding boats will be awaited with great interest. The first week of the meeting will be devoted to the exhibition, which will be held on the grounds of the Casino, and the second week will be devoted to the races. The complete list of entries follows:

Class I -- Up to 8 metres (26ft. 3in.) L.O.A.
No. Name Owner Motor Hull Length
1 Antoinette IV Levavasseur Antoinette 24-cyl, 360-h LaSirene 26' 3"
2 Rapiere II Tellier Panhard 4-cyl, 100-h Tellier 26' 3"
3 Mercedes Florio Ch. Florio Mercedes 6-cyl, 150-h LaSirene 26'
4 Itala Itala Co. Itala 4-cyl, 135-h Itala 26' 3"
5 Fiat XV F.I.A.T. 2 Fiat 4-cyl, 90-h Gallinari 26' 3"
6 Anadyomene Tassara Delahaye Costaguta 26' 3"
7 Seasick Baron de Caters Itala 4-cyl, 110-h Tellier 26' 3"
8 Catona Oneglia Itala Oneglia 26' 3"
9 Monette Gallice Mutel 4-cyl, 120-h Tellier 26' 3"
Class II -- 8 metres to 18 metres (26ft. 3in. to 60ft.) L.O.A.
1 Mendelssohn IV Mendelssohn Mutel 500-h Despujols 40'
2 Jeannette Ch. Florio 2 Itala 4-cyl, 120-h Gallinari 40'
3 Lorraine-Dietrich Perignon 2 tandem DeDietrich 4-cyl, 80-h Quernel 40'
4 Daimler II Lord Howard de Walden 3 Daimler 6-cyl, 90-h Saunders 40'
5 Daimler III de Walden 2 Daimler 6-cyl, 90-h Saunders 40'
6 Flying Fish Lord de Rothschild 2 Wolseley-Siddeley 4-cyl, 80-h Saunders 39' 6"
7   H. Fournier Itala LaSirene 36' 3"
8 New-Trefle Hutchins 2 Brasier 4-cyl, 90-h LaSirene 36' 3"
9 Panhard-Tellier Tellier & Panhard Co. 2 Panhard 4-cyl, 100-h Tellier 40'
10 San Giorgio San Giorgio Co. 4 tandem Napier 4-cyl, 80-h San Giorgio 40'
11 Nautilus-Mors Deschamps Blondeau Mors D-B 40'
12 Nautilus-Mutel III Deschamps Blondeau Mutel D-B  
13 Mercedes D. L. Mercedes Co. Mercedes Decant Lacour 60'
Class I -- Up to 6½ metres (21 ft. 9in.) L.O.A. Maximum Cylinder Capacity 2½ litres
1 Capoulon III Russell Mutel Despujols 21' 9"
2 Takumono Maill Green Blake 4-cyl, 16-h Smith-Maynard 21' 9"
3 Lanturlu III White & Grenie DeDion Grenie 21' 9"
4 Robert R. Andreotti DeDion Allegrini 21' 9"
5 Gamine Borelly Sebille Peugeot-Tony Huber Borelly Sebille 21' 9"
6 Fleur d'Helice G. Sebille Peugeot-Tony Huber Borelly Sebille 21' 9"
7 Dalifol-Petroleum Dalifol Abeille (kerosene) De Coninck 21' 7"
8 Lanturlu II Ragust & Ducos Delahaye C. Garronne 21' 8"
9 Alexandre Allegrini Zedel Allegrini  
10 Zezette Jaillet DeDion C. d'Antibes  
1 1   Quernel Havard Lecoq Quernel 20'
12   Quernel Havard Lecoq Quernel 20'
13 Nautilus Mutel Deschamps Blondeau Mutel D-B  
14 Auto-Gouvernail Nautilus Deschamps Blondeau Propulseur Deschamps D-B  
15 Motogodille I Trouche Herdtle-Bruneau    
16 C. B. II Baglietto Delahaye Baglietto  
17 Joliette III Borelly Sebille Baudouin Borelly Sebille 21' 9"
18 Champagne Louis Doyen Antoinette Lein 21' 9"
19 Margot Commandant Remy Ader Claparede 21' 7"
20 Maira   Motogodille-Bouchet Brunet 16' 8"
21 Doris Principal Motogodille-Bouchet Baglietto  
Class II -- 6½ metres to 8 metres (21ft. gin. to 26ft. 3in.) L.O.A. Maximum Cylinder Capacity 3 3/4 litres
1 Mais-Je Vais-Piquer M. Megevet Picker Megevet 26' 3"
2 Louise Reine Comte Castaldi Regal Baglietto 22' 6"
3 Nautilus B. V. Jacqueline L. Boudreaux Boudreaux-Verdet D-B 26' 3"
4 Excelsior XI Celle Vincent Mieusset Celle  
5 Nihil Gaubert Brasier Lein 26' 3"
6 Laley J. S. Holmes Mutel Gallinari 26' 3"
Class III -- 8 metres to 12 metres (26ft 3in to 40ft) L.O.A. Maximum Cylinder Capacity 7½ litres
1 Despujols Mutel Despujols Mute] Despujols 28' 4"
2 Antoinette VI Levavasseur Antoinette LaSirene 35'
3   Henry Fournier Itala LaSirene 35'
4 Roi D'ys Lieutenant Massieu Panhard LaSirene 34' 9"
5 Ulysse Crucq Mors LaSirene 26' 3"
6 Pilote No. I Societe des Vegettes Autom N. W. (kerosene) Societe des Vedettes 34' 3"
7 Excelsior X Celle Vincente Mieusset Celle  
8 Itala I Henry Fournier Itala Tellier  
9 Surprise Borelly Sebille Baudouin Borelly Sebille  
10 Gallinari l Gallinari Delahaye Gallinari 40'
11 Gallinari II Gallinari Delahaye Gallinari  
12   Louis Gilli Mors Gallinari 29' 9"
13 Kuntzette III Roze Kuntz Celle 26' 3"
14   Zanelli Delahaye Baglietto  
15 Fefe II Rumebe Arion G. Filtz Dubois  
16 Nautilus-Mors Deschamps-Blondeau Mors D-B  
17   Henri Chanee Mors Lein  
18 Gavotte Groignard Baudouin Rupolo 28' 6"
19 Moko Frank Eymard Mutel Vincent 38' 9"
Class IV -- 12 metres to 18 metres (40ft. to 66ft.) L.O.A. Maximum Cylinder Capacity 15 litres
1 Alberta Paul Letta F.I.A.T. Gallinari 40'
2 La Lorraine I Vedrine Lorrain e-Dietrich Chantiers d'Antibes 43' 6"
3 La Lorraine ll Perignon Lorraine- Dietrich Perignon  
4 Martini IV De Guerville Martini Megevet 40'
5 Florentia III Florentia Co. Florentia Florentia 40'
6 Nautilus-Mutellll Deschamps- Blondeau Mutel D-B  
VEDETTE BOATS — all boats 25'
1 Arion-Despujols Lagorce-Despujols Arion G. Filtz Despujols-Lagorce  
2 Hallebarde Louis Veillard   La Sirene  
3 Nautilus B. V Jacqueline II L. Boudreaux Boudreaux-Verdet Deschamps- Blondeau  
4 B. V. Jacqueline III L. Boudreaux Boudreaux-Verdet de Coninck  
5 Martini-Megevet I de Guerville Martini Megevet  
6 Martini-Megevet II Cuenod Martini Megevet  
7   Collomb Mors Rivet  
8 Arion-Augustin Normand Augustin Normand Arion G. Filtz Normand  
8 C.B.1. Baglietto Delahaye Baglietto  
10 Marie-Brizard Glotin et Grenie Peugeot-Tony Huber Chantiers-Garonne  
11 Nautilus-Mutelll Deschamps-Blondeau Mutel D-B  
12 P. H. Peugeot-Tony Huber Peugeot-Tony Huber    
1 Obus-Nautilus Conchis et Hemsen Mutel Deschamps- Blondeau  
2 Beira III Borgel Court   Pouly & Court  
3 Motogodille-Glisseur Trouche Anzani Boisfard  
4 Glisseur-de-Lambert Comte de Lambert Antoinette 70-h de lambert  


(Transcribed from The Motor Boat, March 25, 1907, pp.34, 35)

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page. --LF]