1907 Palm Beach Mid-Winter Regatta

Fast Motor Boats In Palm Beach Regatta

Dixie Does Not Finish in First Day's Contests

Simplex VIII Wins Three

New Racer In the Hands of Herman Broesel Jr., Twice Scores Against Big Fields

PALM BEACH, Fla., Jan. 29. — Except for the failure of E. J. Schroeder's champion Dixie, the first day of the motor boat carnival opening here this morning was eminently satisfactory. The champion raced in the opening event of the morning, which was a ten-mile contest for boats in Class B, over 80 rating, and looked like a sure winner when at the three-quarter distance she suddenly stopped. it was later learned that her bearings had become overheated, and that she was stopped to prevent her being disabled for the entire four days' racing. There is no doubt that she would have taken the event. The race went to J. Middleby Jr.'s Katharine, a new competitor, which performed very creditably indeed. The other competitors were H. L. Willoughby Jr.'s new Gray Wolf, and James W. Clarke's Bruiser.

In the other race for the same class in the afternoon the Dixie did not come to the mark to start, and the other three boats went away without her. Katharine, rating at 102.2, was the scratch boat, while Gray Wolf at 90.20 received the largest allowance. Katharine cut down the lead with which the little Willoughby boat started off, but was not able to overtake her in the five miles, although she was only about five lengths behind when the winner crossed the finish line. Capt. Middleby, however, claimed that Gray Wolf had cut an upper corner of the course and entered a protest, so that the result is still in doubt.

The smaller boats, Class A, under 80 rating, also contested two races, both over a five-mile course. In the morning race there were ten starters, with several new boats among them. Possum, a winner of several races last year, down to W. V. Covar's little Planet. Smith & Mabley's Simplex VIII, driven by H. A. Broesel Jr., was the sixth to start, but she rapidly overhauled the leaders who had preceded her and took command, which she held throughout, though the larger boats gained on her. B. J. Southall's Hot Stuff VI, which started just behind her, held her all over the course, but was unable to make up the small allowance it had to concede her. The two boats were first and second at the finish.

In the afternoon race Simplex VIII repeated. Three of the little fellows withdrew in this race, leaving Simplex VIII only G. H. Paddison's Baby Bullet and George E. Andrews's Errand Boy to overtake. She caught both early and again led all the way. This time, however Lt. Willoughby's Possum showed more of her real capability and she overtook Hot Stuff Vi near the finish and managed to get second place. Baby Bullet was fourth, beating out C. J. Coggin's Blanche II and W. L. Stuttler's Mera and Errand Boy.

Both classes then contested in a mixed race over a ten-mile course. All the small boats except Hot Stuff VI started with the three larger boats. Simplex VIII moved up to first position in the first two miles and had a good lead, with Errand Boy, Blanche II and Gray Wolf following. The latter passed Possum just as the round was finished, father and son having a great race coming down the last leg of the round. Katharine, however, coming strong gradually wore down the others one after another and managed to beat out Gray Wolf for second place in the home stretch by a narrow margin, although neither was able to overtake Simplex VIII. Something went wrong with Possum and she finished a bad last.

CLASS A 80 rating and below 4½ nautical miles
Boat Owner Start Finish
Simplex VIII Smith & Mabley 11:06:06 11:23:50
Hot Stuff VI J. J. Southall 11:06:11 11:25:22
Possum H. L. Willoughby 11:07:11 11:26:00
Errand Boy G. E. Andrews 11:05:20 11:26:02
Blanche II C. J. Coggin 11:07:11 11:27:02
Baby Bullet G. F. Paddison 11:02:28 11:28:57
Mera W. J. Hofstetter 11:06:59 11:29:51
Kiota T. A. Snyder 11:03:46 11:30:42
Planet W. F. Covar 11:00:00 11:37:28
CLASS B 80 rating and above 9 nautical miles
Katharine J. Middleby Jr. 11:31:30 12:00:07
Gray Wolf H. L. Willoughby Jr. 11:30:00 12:00:41
Bruiser J. K. Clarke 11:32:56 12:03:21
Dixie E. J. Schroeder 11:35:48 no finish
Simplex VIII   2:36:06 2:53:28
Possum   2:37:12 2:55:36
Hot Stuff VI   2:36:11 2:55:50
Baby Bullet   2:33:22 2:56:18
Blanche II   2:37:11 2:56:46
Errand Boy   2:35:20 2:56:53
Mera   2:36:59 3:00:03
Planet   2:30:00 3:05:21
Gray Wolf   3:00:00 3:14:50
Katharine   3:00:45 3:14:56
Possum   3:01:28 3:15:46
CLASS C All ratings 9 nautical miles
Simplex VIII   3:42:12 4:16:41
Katharine   3:40:42 4:17:55
Gray Wolf   3:48:12 4:18:58
Baby Bullet   3:36:44 4:21:16
Bruiser   3:51:08 4:22:12
Errand Boy   3:40:40 4:22:30
Blanche II   3:44:22 4:22:38
Possum   3:44:23 4:24:47
Mera   3:43:58 4:26:34


(Transcribed from the New York Times, Jan. 30, 1907, p. 7. )

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page — LF]