1909 APBA Gold Cup
Dixie to Defend Cup
Power Boat Races at Alexandria Bay Begin To-morrow
Alexandria Bay, N.Y., Aug. 17 — Important changes were announced to-night in connection with the gold challenge cup races of the American Power Boat Association here Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The races will occur at 3:30 each day, an hour later than firs announced. R. H. Eggleston, of New York, Chairman of the Racing Committee, left to-night for British Columbia. His place at the head of the Racing Committee will be filled by his son.
Crowds of New Yorkers began pouring in to-night in anticipation of the races. By Thursday accommodations will be at a premium. The famous racer, Dixie II, defender of the cup, representing the Thousand Islands Yacht Club, has arrived. The boat has a new hull, which is said to be slower in a rough sea, requiring slow turns, but speedier than the old one in smooth water. The revenue cutter Morrell has arrived from the great lakes to patrol the course, following advices from Washington.
Transcribed from the New York Times, Aug. 18. 1909, p. 7
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page — LF]