1909 Inter-Lake Yachting Association Regatta
Regatta of the Inter-Lake Yachting Association at Toledo
Buffalo Carries Off the Honors in the Motor Boat races
Wonderful Performance of Hoosier Boy
by J. M. Grasser
The sixteenth annual regatta of the Inter-Lake Yachting Association was held at Toledo, for the first time in its history, after being held so many years at Put-in-Bay that the latter meeting place seemed to have become a fixture. The large attendance and the general expressions of appreciation of the hospitality of its palatial club-house extended by the Toledo Yacht Club got to prove that the Inter-Lake can hold a successful meeting in at least one place other than Put-in-Bay, which is a source of satisfaction to those who have worked so hard towards that end for the past months.
The meet was officially opened on Monday afternoon, August 23, by a review of the fleet by the commodore and staff, accompanied by the officers and chairmen of the committees, followed by a reception on board the flagship Jessamine and the yachts of the vice and rear-commodores. The smoker held the same evening was somewhat different from anything before attempted, and was highly appreciated by all present. A nautical vaudeville skit, prepared and carried out by members of the Toledo Yacht Club under the name of the "Fraternal Order of Salts," will long be remembered by those who had the good fortune to enjoy it.
The first event in the power boat programme of the regatta was the race in the cruiser class on Wednesday afternoon. There was only one boat—Sunbeam, of Cleveland—to start, although there were several entries. In Class C, two boats went to the line, but Little Lady, owned by W. Scripps of Detroit, was disabled at the start, and Wilanna went over the course alone.
When the speed boats were called out shortly before 4 o’clock the revetment opposite the club-house was thronged with spectators, and the up-river bridges and docks were crowded when the racers passed in a cloud of spray. Hoosier Boy, of Rising Sun, Ind, under Buffalo Launch Club colors, beat Scripps II, of Detroit, in the large speed boat class, and it is estimated that over part of the course she did better than 30 miles an hour. This was a surprise to the Scripps contingent, as it was considered that Hoosier Boy, with 20 horsepower less and a heavier hull, would have no chance whatever. Four boats started in this event over a 20-mile course. While Hoosier Boy was first, she was beaten by Arab III, of Buffalo, on corrected time. Hoosier Boy got second place, with Scripps II third.
In Class S, Expense, of Buffalo, won, with Niagara II second, Stuart third, and Traveller fourth. The Class R event was won by Red Devil, of Cleveland, Leo Victor was second, and 23 third. In Class B of the cruiser race three boats went over the course, Nomad II, Ventura and Catherine II, the former winning the race.
On Thursday, Hoosier Boy again proved that she is one of the fastest boats in the country. In the mile trials she did one mile in two minutes, which was four seconds faster than Scripps II. The club team race was started that afternoon, and here the Buffalo boats again distinguished themselves, Hoosier Boy and Niagara II, the team from the Buffalo Launch Club, winning the race.
The long-distance race for power cruisers was started at 11 o’clock on Thursday, when the Class B boats Nomad II and Ventura got away on the 34-mile run to Monroe Piers and return. The race resulted in a dead heat, the boats finishing neck and neck. In Class C Wilanna and Little Lady covered the same course, Wilanna making the 34 miles in 3:04:59 and winning on time allowance.
The final power boat races of the regatta attracted a large crowd on Friday afternoon, and those who witnessed the performance of Hoosier Boy and Scripps II were amply repaid for their hot journey. Both these boats gave marvelous exhibitions of speed. The former covered the 30-mile course, making five turns in 1:02:30, a fraction under 30 miles an hour; but as she had to slow down at each of the five turns, she attained a speed of more than 30 miles on a straight course.
The Class S speed boats covered the same course as their larger rivals, and LaTruda, of Buffalo, proved an easy winner, Niagara, another Buffalo boat, was second, with Stuart, of Detroit, third. In the races for power cruisers three classes were sent away. In Class A Nemo was first, with Sunbeam second. Nomad II was the winner in Class B, with Ventura second. In Class C the first prize went to Grayling, the second to L-E-R-, Jr., and the third to Little Lady.
(Excerpts transcribed from Yachting, November 1909, pp. 359-363.)
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page — LF]