1909 Netley Regatta

Marine Motoring [1]

Motor Yacht Club

Marine motor-boat racing was held at Ryde yesterday, under the management of the Motor Yacht Club. Two events took place. Details:--

First race.—Handicap for 12 knots and over; start 11:30 a.m. First prize, cup value £10, presented by Mr. Edgar Thornton; second and third prizes by the club. The handicap was given at the beginning, and three started. Comley gave up early in the race. The handicap worked out well, making a splendid finish, only four seconds dividing the two boats. The times were: --

Miranda III (winner 12:13:4 Lotus (second) 12:13:8

Race for motor-boats of 18 knots and over. Start 12:30 p.m. First prize, cup value £10, presented by Mr. Edgar Thornton; second and third by the club. Eight boats were entered, and four started. Lotus had great difficulty in starting, being 12 min. late. She had bad luck with her engine, and was not timed. Amazon got away 10 sec. Before her gun, but was allowed to continue, deducting the time at the finish. The result was:--

Miranda (winner) 1:57:56 Amazon (second) 1:59:3 Comely (third) 2:2:25

(Transcribed from the Times of London, Aug. 13, 1909, p. 19.)

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page --LF]