1909 Ohio River Launch Club Regatta

Among the Clubs

Ohio River Regatta

The regatta of the Ohio River Launch Club on the Ohio River at Cincinnati, on July 24, brought out a big fleet of starters. The system of handicapping according to previous performances was used.. A boat was disqualified for running either one per cent slower or three per cent faster than her trial time. The summary of Classes C, E and F follows:

Class C—Eight and One-Third Miles
Boats Start Finish Time
Candidate 1:00:00 1:29:24 29:24
Br'er Fox 1:13:28 1:32:56 19:28
Hoosier Boy 1:13:41 1:33:00 19:19
Uncle Pete 1:04:40 1:34:20 30:16
Idler 1:07:35 1:36:27 31:30
Just Right 1:04:52 1:34:20 30:16
It 1:07:32 1:39:02 31:30
Silver Fox 1:09:15 1:39:25 30:10
Ione 1:03:21 1:41:46 38:25
Mercedes 1:13:34 1:43:12 29:38
Class E—Sixteen and Two-Thirds Miles
Mercedes 3:33:44 4:30:20 56:36
Idler 3:34:00 4:32:14 57:18
Uncle Pete 3:23:28 4:34:13 59:56
Candidate, Just Right and Silver Fox did not finish
Class F—Twenty-Five Miles
Hoosier Boy* 4:48:27 5:42:05 53:58
Br’er Fox 4:45:00 5:43:33 58:33
*Hoosier Boy disqualified, Br’er Fox given the race


(Transcribed from MotorBoating, September 1909, p. 47.)

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page — LF]