1909 Sacramento Boat Club Regatta


Sacramento, Cal.—The annual regatta of the Sacramento Boat Club on August 1st drew a large number of spectators to the banks of the Sacramento River, who thoroughly enjoyed the program of six motorboat races provided by the club. Following is the summary: Two-mile race for semi-speed boats under 18 feet: 1. Pirate (H. Koch), time 14 minutes 20 seconds; 2 Millport (P. C. Anderson). Two-mile race for semi-speed boats under 21 feet: 1. Fawn (A. Fisher), time 12 minutes 5 seconds; 2. P.D.Q. (H. G. May); 3. Pirate. Two-mile race for semi-speed boats under 24 feet: 1. Fawn, time 11 minutes 16 seconds. T. F. Dwyer’s Veryl, the only other contestant, did not finish. Semi-speed boats under 27 feet, two miles: 1. Winsum (Y. J. Winchester), time 10 minutes 40 seconds; 2. Fawn. Boats not less than 25 feet long, beam not less than 5 feet, two miles: 1. Delma (Del. Cook), time 16 minutes 1 second; 2. Eclipse (F. Schoenbackler). Eight-miles speed boat event: 1. Azores (Dr. J. S. Silva), time 23 minutes 19 seconds; 2. Nunes Brothers (Nunes Brothers).

(Transcribed from MotorBoat, Sep. 10, 1909, p. 50.)

[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page — LF]