1910 Olympia Regatta
Races At Olympia On July Fourth
Members of the Olympia Motor Boat Club were out in a good number on Independence Day and deeply interested in the races held under the auspices of the Olympia Motor Boat Club. The day held a trifle of wind and sea which bothered the speeders to an extent. Otherwise the races were fine and keenly enjoyed by club members and friends.
The races were held in classes. Class one embracing boats up to 25 feet and with power not to exceed 12 h.p. Class B took the boats from 25 feet to 40 feet. Then there was the speed-boat class and this attracted the bid attention.
The course was from a point opposite the city wharf to the outer channel stake and thence to Butler’s Cove buoy. Olympia harbor offers a fine course for racing boats and the club members in this course had one of the best offered.
In Class 1, J. B. Dana’s Frolic won with a time of 25.25, with O. Schmidt’s Montana second, with a time of 25.27.
In Class 2 the Judix, O. B. White owner, was first with A. A. Hildebrand’s Model second: the Judix time was 37.38 while Model’s was 40.48.
In the speed-boat class the Maggie R, Harry Ranft’s speeder failed to appear, so it was between Frank Schmidt’s Peter G, and Harry Richardson’s Outlaw. In this race there was trouble over the handicap and the race will probably be run over. The Peter G went over the course in 27.36 while the Outlaw covered in in 43.20.
(Transcribed from The Western Yacht and Launchman, Aug. 15, 1910, p. 4.)
[Thanks to Greg Calkins for help in preparing this page — LF]