1911 Chamber of Commerce Trophy


Chamber of Commerce Trophy
September 15 5 Mile Course
Niagara River 30 Mile Heat
Buffalo, New York 30 Mile Race


  Entry Owner Comp .Lap
1. Buffalo A.F. Dohn?  
2. Buffalo Courier III William Conners  
3. Disturber II James Pugh  
4. Dixie IV Fred Burnham 40.268
5 . Gretchen II John Hubbard  
6. La Truda II Harry Vars  
7. Reliance IV John Ryan 36.659


  Heat One Driver Speed
1. Dixie IV Fred Burnham 39.705
2. Reliance IV John Ryan 36.048
3. Buffalo Courier III William Conners  
4. Gretchen II John Hubbard  
5. Disturber II James Pugh  


[Statistics from Greene, V.1]