1933 Dodge Memorial - Gold Cup Class

Dodge Memorial Trophy

In the race for the Horace E. Dodge Memorial Trophy only three Gold Cup boats were prepared to enter, Delphine VII, Delphine IV and Hotsy Totsy. The race consisted of three 25 mile heats over the Gold Cup course. Delphine VII with Horace E. Dodge at the helm took the first and third heats, and Delphine IV driven by William McK. Horn won the second heat. Hotsy Totsy was third in the first two heats but did not start in the third.

Formerly Open to Sweepstakes Boats. Now Gold Cup $15,000 Gold Cup and Silver Replica of the Pinta. Raced for three times.

1925. Won by Baby Gar V. Gar Wood, at Miami Beach, Fla.

1926. Won by Rowdy. Carl G. Fisher (Kliesrath driver) at Manhasset Bay, N. Y.

1927. Won by Miss Syndicate, Horace Dodge (Mrs. Baker driver) at Washington. D. C.


Dodge Memorial Race—25 Statute Miles
Speed First Heat
Name Lap No.1 2 3 4 5 Total Heat Best Lap
Delphine VII 59.508 60.170 60.062 59.246 59.384 59.673 60.170
Delphine IV 58.889 59.751 59.698 59.747 59.583 59.532 59.751
Hotsy Totsy 56.224 57.497 57.139 57.161 55.695 56.735 57.497
Speed Second Heat
Name Lap No.1 2 3 4 5 Total Heat Best Lap
Delphine VII 59.043 59.664 60.403 60.457 59.747 59.858 60.457
Delphine IV 59.747 60.080 60.584 60.022 60.531 60.191 60.584
Hotsy Totsy 51.341 49.077 52.008 52.124 52.642 51.407 52.642
Speed Third Heat
Name Lap No. 1 2 3 4 5 Total Heat Best Lap
Delphine VII 58.472 60.022 60.066   60.191 59.721 60.191
Delphine IV 57.604 6 59.715 59.719 59.856 59.207 59.85
Hotsy Totsy D.N.S.


(Reprinted from MotorBoating, October 1933, pp.26-29, 106)