1934 Trenton Yacht Club Regatta
Trenton Yacht Club Races on July Fourth
Fred Jacoby, Jr., of North Bergen, N. J., scored a near clean sweep in the Trenton Yacht Club's July fourth regatta at Trenton, N. J., by winning two races and finishing second in two others.
Jacoby likes the upper Delaware River, those waters having furnished the setting for a victory in May in the Delaware River's first outboard marathon, which Jacoby won.
On the fourth Jacoby was winner in Class C and in the unlimited, and besides took second in Class A and in B. None of the races were easy, for there were a dozen or more starters in each class excepting the free-for-all.
He averaged better than 46 m.p.h. in both classes C and F. Harper Chance, of Port Norris, N. J., was second in both races. C. Mulford Scull, of Ventnor, N. J., won the Class A race handily, with Jacoby, Sam Crooks and Joel Thorne, Rutgers drivers, in second, third, and fourth places.
Crooks was winner in B, followed by Jacoby, and George Waller, of New Rochelle, Around Manhattan winner. Miss Molly Tyson of Philadelphia, 16-year-old schoolgirl, won the first midget class event in the history of the regatta. Inboard races produced plenty of interest in addition to the outboard events, as upwards of 15,000 persons turned out to watch the regattas. An outing of the Delaware River Yachtsmen's League brought a gallery of nearly 100 boats to Trenton, while the steep sloping bank of the Delaware provided a natural grandstand for spectators. The regatta was sanctioned by the A.P.B.A., and supported by the Yachtsmen's League and the South Jersey Speedboat Association.
F. S. Carter's 26 foot Chriscraft Restless, from Ventnor, N. J., won three Mara events. First it was winner in the H-I class, then in the unlimited, when John D. Shibe's ChrisCraft, Ethyl Ruth, driven by Armond D. Pugh was disqualified by Dr. Ferdearle Fischer, of Trenton, the referee, for beating the gun.
Mrs. Mae Carter then drove Restless to victory in the ladies' race with little competition.
Fred Hahn's Lady Pep, of Germantown, was winner in straight heats in D-E-F-G runabouts.Gene Apel, of Atlantic City, drove S. Mortimer Auerbach's Emancipator II to a well fought win in the 125 cubic inch class. That is the old Auerbach boat, which last year won the national championship. The new Emancipator III was second on time. Two new boats were in the race, Haffner’s Howdy from Severna Park, Md., and R. H. Dale's Guppy, from Washington.
In the closing event of the day, John E. Thropp piloted an airplane around 7 laps of the course to nose out the Chriscraft, Miss Behave, driven by Ted Megargee, which travelled 3 laps.
Commodore R. Earle Leonard of the Trenton club deserves credit for the way in which the regatta was staged. His club financed the entire regatta, no financial aid being forthcoming from the city as in former years.
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The summary of results follows:
Summaries, Trenton Yacht Club
July Fourth, 1934,
Outboard Events
Class A Outboards-5 miles
Mickey Mouse, C Mulford Scull, first; Flyaway, Fred Jacoby, Jr., second: Dragon III, Sam Crooks, third; N-171. Joel Thorne. fourth: J-70, J. L. Barton, fifth; Slitch, J. Bowers, sixth; Sprint II. H. P. Shakeshaft Jr., seventh; Come Seven. Phil Bowers. eighth; Lazy Bones, R. Reisert, ninth; Flowers, Helen Peterson, tenth. Speed of winner, 33.437 m.p.h.
Class C Outboards-5 miles
Flyaway, Fred Jacoby Jr., first; Exter Speshul, Harper Chance. second: Dragon Sam Crooks. third; N-171, Joel Thorne. fourth: Blessed Event, fifth; Barracuda. Lew Franco, sixth; J-72. Fritz Weissell, seventh; Tempus Fugit, Everett Shannon. eighth; Harmony II, Bob Rohan, ninth; P-3I, A. B. Cox, tenth. Speed of winner. 46.536 m.p.h.
Class B Outboards-5 miles
Dragon IV, Sara Crooks, first; Flyaway. Fred Jacoby Jr., second: Pal, George Waller, third: Quaker City Kid, Bill Whitaker, fourth: Flying Scot, H. Simpson Jr., fifth; N-151, Joel Thorne. sixth; Bambino III. Bud Keator. seventh; N-148, Helen Peterson, eighth: Spirit II. H. P. Shakeshaft ninth; N-48, Rudy Reisert, tenth. Speed of winner, 41 m.p.h.
Midget Class Outboards—1⅔ miles
Half Pint. Mollie Tyson, first; Little Caesar, Wm. Guicksell. second: N-148, Charlotte Giersch, third. Speed of winner, 19.495 m.p.h.
Outboards Unlimited-5 miles
Flyaway, Fred Jacoby Jr., first; Exter Speshul, Harper Chance, second; Harmony II, Bob Rohan, third; Quaker City Kid, Wm. H. Whitaker. fourth.
Runabouts Classes D-E-F-G-6 miles
First Heat
Lady Pep, Fred N. Hahn, first; Miss Behave, Ted Megargee. second; Desdemona. Walter G. Kuser, third. Speed of winner, 33.544 m.p.h.
Second Heat
Lady Pep, first; Miss Behave, second; Desdemona, third. Speed of winner, 33.519 m.p.h. Final score on points—Lady Pep 800, Miss Behave 600.
Runabouts Classes A-B-C--6 miles
First Heat
Arthur Oberle, first: Bo-Peep, Len Bailey, second; Speed of winner. 26.825 m.p.h.
Second Heat
Arthur Oberle, first. Final score on points—Oberle 800.
Hydroplanes 125 cubic inch class
First Heat-6 miles
Emancipator II. Gene Apel. first; Emancipator III, S. Mortimer Auerbach, second; Howdy II. H. Haffner. third; Guppy, R. H. Dale, fourth. Speed of winner. 39.560 m.p.h.
Second Heat
Emancipator II. first: Howdy II. second: Emanicipator third; Guppy, fourth. Speed of winner, 39.823 m.p.h. Final score on points-- Emancipator II. 800. Emancipator III. 525 (second on time); Howdy II. 525; Guppy 169.
Runabouts Classes H-I
First Heat-6 miles
Restless, F. S. Carter. first; Ethyl Ruth, A. D. Pugh. second: Flo-Bar, Chas. Kroehling, third. Speed of winner. 34.026 m.p.h.
Second Heat
Ethyl Ruth. first; Restless, second: Flo-Bar. third. Speed of winner. 40.541 m.p.h. Final score on points—Restless 700 (won on time); Ethyl Ruth MO; Flo-Bar 450. (Restless won by 15 seconds).
Ladies Race-6 miles
Restless, Mrs. Mae Carter, first: Miss Behave, Mrs. Ted Megargee. second: Desdemona. Mrs. Walter Kuser. third; Lady Pep. Miss Emma Van, fourth. Speed of winner, 38.627 m.p.h.
Speedboat Free-for-All--10 miles
Restless. F. S. Carter. first; Lady Pep. Fred Hahn. second: Desdemona. Walter G. Kuser. third: Ethyl Ruth. A. D. Pugh. fourth. Speed of winner 36.290 m.p.h.
(Reprinted from Motor Boating, August 1934)