1938 Pacific Motor Boat Trophy
Arena Defends "PMB" Trophy This Month
The speed kings will have their sixth go for the Pacific coast speed boat championship and the Pacific Motor Boat trophy November 6 when they meet at Newport Harbor to contend the title holder, Danny Arena of Oakland who in his streamlined Miss Golden Gate, won the race both in 1936 and 1937. Lou Fageol, who has installed a new type engine in his So Long, sent Arena a special challenge. Art Bobrick, Whose El Torbellino II ran a brilliant, but sporadic race last year, is coming west and is expected to enter again.
In the 45-mile drive last year Danny Arena set a new record for the fastest heat in the third heat of 16 minutes 23.8 seconds with an average speed of 54.98 mph. Limitation of 732 cu. in. piston displacement is placed on . entries as in the Gold Cup Race. Four entries host year were of 225 cu. in. displacement.
King Brugman is general chairman representing the CYC, sponsor of the annual event. Race committee will be headed by Walter E. Olson who will have with him Robert L. Reed, Wally Buckingham, Bud Collins, Kent Hitchcock, A. L. Kline and Dr. Lee C. Demming who will again be referee.
Lou Fageol has installed a new engine in his So Long, a V-type job, named by the owner, Fageol Special Gold Cup Engine. It has a weight of 450 pounds, will develop 450 hp and runs at 4000 rpm. Engine and gear are integral and its over-all length is 32 Inches.
A new development this year will be the running of special races of the Pacific one-design hydroplane class, 135 cu. In. displacement, in between the heats of the main race. Ten entries were in last year and more are expected this year.
(Reprinted from Pacific Motor Boat, November 1938, p.28)