1949 National Sweepstakes
Expect 500 Boat Entries

Red Bank—A record number of entries is anticipated for the 17th Annual National Sweepstakes speedboat regatta to be held here tomorrow and Sunday, according to Commodore Joseph C. Irwin, general chairman of the National Sweepstakes Regatta Association. Nearly 500 boats of all classes are expected in the events.
Already entered are such drivers as Guy Lombardo who won the Sweepstakes in 1946 with his Tempo VI, and Joe Van Blerck who won last year’s Sweepstakes with his 225-cu. in. Aljo.
The National Sweepstakes Regatta is speedboat racing’s biggest event. More drivers compete here annually than in any other racing event anywhere in the world. The two-day regatta is witnessed by upwards of 60,000 people who each day line the banks of the Shrewsbury river.
Drivers will be competing for such coveted prizes as: The Trimper Trophy, the Jafco Annual Trophy, and the Interstate Championship Trophy. The Interstate, first awarded in 1903, is the oldest of all motorboat racing trophies.
Prizes of special interest to drivers are two from Mexico, the Col. Garcia Valesca Trophy, and the Mexican Good Will Trophy, presented to the National Sweepstakes Association by President Miguel Aleman of Mexico.
All outboard events, which will be held tomorrow, as well as Sunday’s hydroplane races will be under strict supervision of United States Coast Guard. For those who wish vantage points on the water, there is anchorage space for 1,000 spectator craft. The Coast Guard cautions, however, that all spectator boats must be anchored by 11:30 a.m. First races will begin at 12:40 p.m. each day.
— The Courier News, August 12, 1949