1950 APBA Unlimited Trophy
Lake Mead, Salton Sea Races Bring Big Boats from East
The big racing events in California in November were scheduled to be the fifth annual Lake Mead Regatta, November 10-14, and the Salton Sea Regatta, November 17-20. The famed Pacific Motor Boat Trophy will be put up at the latter contest.
C. King Brugman, president of the American Power Boat Association, has announced that the A. P. B. A. will hold its annual meeting at Las Vegas, Nevada, November, 13.
Word has been received from Detroit as Pacific Motor Boat goes to press that Jack Schafer's Such Crust and Horace Dodge's My Sweetie II are on their way to the California contests.
Representing the West Coast may be Stanley S. Sayres' Slo-mo-shun IV, which trounced Such Crust and My Sweetie soundly at Detroit last summer. Sayres was having difficulty finding licensed interstate transportation to transport his big Gold Cupper to Nevada.
Other boats present will include the West's fastest 125's and 225's, who are also eligible to race for the Pacific Motor Boat Trophy. Speedboats must now make 65 mph to qualify for this historic Pacific Coast trophy.
(Reprinted from Pacific Motor Boat, December 1950, p.25)