1950 Buffalo Launch Club Regatta

Six Record Holders To Race Speedboats In BLC Regatta Here

Here is a sketch of the Niagara River course
Here is a sketch of the Niagara River course approved today by the American Power Boat Association for this week-end’s Launch Club Regatta. Parking areas near the club on Grand Island have been cleared. An anchorage area for spectator boats has been established. Spectator craft are warned to move into anchor at greatly-reduced speed. Movement to and from the anchorage will not be permitted during the races and boats will not be allowed to move across the course.

Six speedboats that hold or have held world records will compete in the Buffalo Launch Club Regatta Saturday and Sunday in the Niagara River off Grand Island.

Buffalo’s George Trimper will be at the controls of his Baby Loon, former Class D record holder, which he has converted to a Class E craft, Wild Oats, the Class D racing runabout champion which Trimper sold to Al Endres, also will compete.

The world's best Class E racing runabout, Hell’s Angel, is another entry. Sherm Critchfield of St. Petersburg, Fla., who piloted the Angel to a 5-mile competitive record at Picton. Ont., this month, will be at the wheel.

My Sweetie, which held all the Gold Cup records until this year and won the unlimited competition here in 1949, will be back, as will Such Crust I, another former Gold Cup champion.

Wild Bill Cantrell will drive My Sweetie, owned by Horace Dodge, and Danny Arena will pilot Such Crust I, owned by Jack Schafer. Lou Fageol will drive his champion 7-litre craft, So Long, built by Arena.

The present Gold Cup record holder, Ted Jones’ Slo-Mo-Shun IV, is about the only topflight racing boat which won't be here. The California speedster is being withheld from competition until the Harmsworth Trophy races at Detroit Labor Day.

--- August 17, 1950