1951 Fite Memorial Trophy
Hydroplanes Expected Here
At least 20 inboard runabouts and hydroplanes, including a top-notch field of 135 and 225 cubic inch craft, are expected to start here in the 43 mile Fite Memorial Trophy Race next Wednesday, May 30, according to Harry J. J- Bellwoar. Jr., of Philadelphia, chairman of the race committee.
The race, a free-for-all from Ocean City to Mays Landing, N. J., and return, is the first major inboard event in the east for 1951.
Five Class G service runabouts are entered in the marathon, including John J. Dunion's “Jay Dee" from Chester, Pa.. Class G highpoint champion for 1950. Other Class G craft are: William Ammann’s “Pepper Pot II," and Russell M. Hanscom’s “Sir Prize,” both from Philadelphia; Dorothy Young's “Abalone”—sole distaff entrant—from Villanova, Pa.; and Paul Cresci's “Aloha,’ from Vineland, N. J.
Three 135 class racers, Frank S. DuBeshter’s “Baby June ” from Jamaica, N, Y.; Edward M. Fairbanks “Flying Saucer," from Massapequa, N. Y.; and Fred J. Resch Steiner’s "Teredo," from Port Elizabeth, N. J., are also entered.
Other entries include: Dan McCarthy's "Ice Cube." a Class D service runabout from Elkins Park. Pa.; Joseph If Stiles' "Chi Crag," a Class K racing runabout from Melrose Park, Pa . and J. Elwood Lee's "Jenny Lee II" national Class I service runabout record-holder from Longport, N. J
Only one Jersey Speed Skiff is in condition to make the race at this I line and that's Steve Schmidt's Susan. Steve usually never misses the annual Jaunt and usually makes a good showing.
--- May 26, 1951