1951 Indiana Governor's Cup
Gold Cup Speedboats
Set For Madison Races
MADISON, Ind., Oct. 9.—(UP) — Gold cup speedboats, including “Miss Pepsi” and “My Sweetie,” were entered today in the first Indiana Governor’s Cup races, to be held on the Ohio River here Sunday.
Gov. Henry F. Schricker was scheduled to present the cup to the winner of a 15-mile race.
“Miss Pepsi” will be piloted by Church Thompson of Detroit, and “Wild Bill” Cantrell of Louisville will steer “My Sweetie.” Both previously won such major events as the President’s Cup, the Gold Cup, and the Harmsworth Trophy.
--- October 9, 1951
Detroit Boats Clash for Cup
Madison, Ind. — (U.P.) — Two Detroit boats will be favorites in the first Indiana Governor’s Cup races to be held on the Ohio River here Sunday.
They are Miss Pepsi, owned by the Dossin Brothers of Detroit, and My Sweetie, property of Horace Dodge. Chuck Thompson will pilot the Dossin craft in the 15-mile race, with Bill Cantrell behind the wheel of My Sweetie.
Gov. Henry F. Schricker is scheduled to present the cup Sunday.
--- October 10, 1951