1951 Maple Leaf Trophy

Powerboat Classic Details

Coursse Map
Tomorrow is the day for Canada’s blue ribbon powerboat racing classic held under Windsor Yacht Club sponsorship. A field of five of the world's fastest powerboats are expected to run for what is the Canadian championship. The Maple Leaf Unlimited race is the only unlimited race in Canada.

Pictured above is a chart of the course, which is laid in the narrows, between the mainland of Riverside and Peche Island, in Canadian waters of the Detroit River. The larger course will be run by the unlimited boats. Smaller course will be used by racing boats of smaller classes. First heat of the Maple Leaf starts at 1:20 pm



Tentative List Of Starters In Maple Leaf

Here is the tentative entry list for Saturday’s running of the Maple Leaf Unlimited powerboat race, in the Detroit River off Windsor Yacht Club. Included is the tentative list of drivers and riding mechanics:

  1. Why Worry,” Horace E. Dodge boat driven by “Wild Bill” Cantrell, powered by one Allison engine, three pointer, no riding mechanic. Cantrell is the defending driver.
  2. Such Crust,” owned by Jack Schafer, driven by Danny Foster, riding mechanic not yet named, powered by one Rolls-Royce Merlin, and a three-pointer.
  3. Gold n Crust,” owned by Jack Schafer, driven by Roy Duby, riding mechanic Wayne Wiita, powered by one Rolls-Royce Merlin engine, and a three-pointer.
  4. Gale II,” owned by Joe Schoenith, driven by his son, Lee Schoenith, powered by one Allison engine, a three-pointer.
  5. Miss Pepsi,” owned by Walter and Roy Dossin, driven by Chuck Thomson, no riding mechanic named, powered by two Allison engines, a V-type hydroplane. Two others are listed as entrants, but have not yet appeared on the Detroit River for trial runs. They are:
  6. My Darling,” owned and driven by Andy Marcy of Springfield, Ill., a V-type hydroplane, copy of Horace Dodge’s “My Sweetie,” and powered by one Allison engine.
  7. Thunderbolt,” owned and driven by George Vigas, powered by twin Allison engines, and described as a two-step five pointer.

All but the boat “My Darling,” are from Detroit.

Maple Leaf Unlimited Qualifying Trials Saturday Morning

Last minute details are being made by officials of Windsor Yacht Club for their season's biggest event, the Maple Leaf Unlimited powerboat classic to be run tomorrow afternoon on the Detroit River.

In Narrows

Five of the world’s fastest boats are expected for the race, which takes place in the narrows between Peche Island and the mainland.

The race, under yacht club sponsorship, is the only unlimited race in Canada, and the Maple Leaf trophy is emblematic of Canadian championship.

Bob Parker’s race committee will hold its final meeting tonight.

The race this year will have, in one respect, a Canadian flavor, as far as its entries are concerned. In the previous two years of running, none but U.S. boats entered.

It was thought earlier that the race would have a Canadian entry this year, but this failed. However, Joe Schoenith, who is a summer resident of Riverside Drive, Riverside, has entered his Detroit-registered boat Gale II.

Mr. Schoenith said today: “We can’t enter her as a Canadian boat but we’d sure like to give Riverside a winner.”

Double Honors

Of added significance is the fact that this year Riverside, under Mayor Robert J. Bondy, celebrates its 30th anniversary—and the town looks toward the race as one of the events of its celebration.

Mrs. Schoenith said her son, Lee, would drive the Gale. He has been given leave from Fort Custer, where he is serving with the 163rd Military Police Division of the United States Army. He will arrive in Riverside some time tonight.

Lt. Cdr. D. Lloyd Davies, R.C. N., H.M.C.S. Hunter staff officer, worked this afternoon to survey the race course, along with a party from the United States Coast Guard. Their job is to follow charts, and put down buoys which mark the race course.

Yacht club officials have recruited the services of an army of Legion of Frontiersmen, St. John Ambulance men, police, and other groups to handle the expected crowd.

Qualify At 65

Unlimited boats must qualify at 65 miles-per-hour or more before entering a race. One qualifying run is sufficient for the year.

Since the Windsor race is the first on the Detroit river the entire list will have to qualify.

These runs—one lap of the two-and-a-half mile course—will take place Saturday morning, from 8 to 11:30 o’clock. The qualifying runs will fill the morning program.

Timers and scorers of the Detroit River Racing Association will be available at W.Y.C. from early morning on.

Starting Times For Races Tomorrow

Starting times for various heats in Saturday’s annual Maple Leaf Powerboat Regatta at Windsor Yacht Club are as follows:

Maple Leaf Unlimited: First heat, 1:20 p.m.; second, heat, 3:20 p.m.; third heat, 4:55 p.m. Course lap is two-and-a-half miles. Each heat consists of six laps, or 15 miles.

135 Cubic Inch: First heat, 1:50 p.m.; second heat, 3:40 p.m. Race to consist of two heats of five miles each.

225 Cubic Inch, Division II: First heat, 2:10 pan.; second heat, 4:00 p.m.

225 Cubic Inch Class: First heat, 2:30 p.m.; second heat, 4:20 p.m. Both 225 classes run two heats of five miles each.

48 Cubic Inch: First heat, 2:50 p.m.; second heat, 4:40 p.m. Race on a 1-1/4-mile course, to consist of two heats of two laps each.





--- June 29, 1951