1953 Detroit Memorial

Such Crust Ready For Boat Regatta

Detroit, June 27 (AP) -- The new Gold Cup Regatta challenger, Such Crust III, whipped through preliminary trials on the Detroit river this week and showed signs that it will be a strong contender for the Fourth of July Detroit Memorial Regatta.

The sleek 7,500 pound craft churned through choppy waters at a speed of 100 miles an hour in trials. The craft is the successor to last year’s ill-fated Such Crust III, which flipped over in trial run.

--- June 28, 1953

Gold Cup Boats Due To Race at Detroit

Detroit, Mich. — Five unlimited hydroplanes, all challenging for the 1953 Gold Cup in Seattle, Aug. 9, will compete in the only unlimited hydroplane event before the big race, the Detroit Memorial Regatta, July 4, on the Detroit River.

The craft, all from Detroit waters, are: Jack Schafer’s Such Crusts III and V, driven respectively by Chuck Thompson and Bill Cantrell; Albin Fallon’s Miss Great Lakes II, driven by Danny Foster; George Simon's Miss United States, probably driven by the builder, Dan Arena and either Joseph Schoenith’s Gale III, new Gold Cup entry, or Gale II, driven by Lee Schoenith.

--- June 30, 1953