1953 Indiana Governor's Cup
Boat Races To Be Held Sunday At Madison

Speedboat drivers will attempt to raise existing world records during the annual outboard and inboard legatta to be staged on the Ohio River at Madison Saturday and Sunday.
All events will be run under sanction of the American Powerboat Association.
The Sunday feature will be the Governor’s Cup free-for-all 15 mile race, for hydroplanes in the 7 litre class and larger.
B. G. Bartley, Sr. and his son, of Pittsburgh, will defend the cup with their “Wildcatter,” but according to indications they will have competition from two or three Gold Cup boats from the Detroit area.
Other Sunday races will include events for 48, 135, 225 and 226 class hydroplanes. Both cash prizes and trophies will be posted.
The Saturday afternoon program includes races for outboards in class A. B and D utility, and B and D stock hydroplanes.
--- October 8, 1953