1953 Mapes Mile High Gold Cup
Tahoe Regatta Set Sept. 12-13

TAHOE CITY. July 30—They'll be runnin' lor gold!
And literally, too. for the Winners Trophy, donated by sportsman-hotelman Charles Mapes of Reno as a perpetual award in the annual Lake Tahoe Gold Cup Race, feature of the September 12-13 Sky-High Regatta, to be run over the more than mile high lake of the sky, Tahoe—will be gold. And Big.
In fact, says Mr Mapes. It will be the biggest and goldest trophy ever offered in speed-boating annals, with an upward range of more than four feet and only its designer knows what in the way of lateral spread.
Actual design will theme in Tahoe-Sierran pine, lake and mountain. with a great shield left for the yearly engraving of winners' names and racing data In addition to this honor, each annual winner will receive a miniature of the massive golden trophy.
He will not, as in other Gold Cup races, be selected to designate the place of the running of the next season's Gold Cup—inasmuch as so far as can be credibly ascertained — no other lake in the world at the altitude of a mile or over can meet requirements of the American Power Boat Association for the running of a Gold Cup.
Chief of these is the stipulation that the entire course of such an event must be over a five mile course in water not over seventy feet deep This, in case of possible salvage. The waters at the north end of Lake Tahoe, off the Tahoe City area, meet all necessary requirement.
In addition they present a natural seating amphitheatre in the very heart of one of the world's most spectacular beauty spots which, added to this ace in sporting events, is expected to bring upward of 25,000 spectators to the September Sky-High Regatta, promoted and run by some of the worlds most famous speed-boating (and business) figures — including Stanley Dollar, Jr, Morlan Visel. Stanley Sayres, Henry J. Kaiser, Jack Schafer, Lou Fageol and Joe Schoenith.
The Sky-High Regatta, in addition to a premier Tahoe Gold Cup. presents two other racing firsts— the Sky-High Hydro Classic, limited to 266. 225. 135, 136, 65 and 48 cubic inch classifications—and the Tahoe Womens Gold Cup Special, like the men's feature, unlimited.
--- Auburn Journal, August 6, 1953