1953 Silver Cup
Slo-Mo-Shun V To Compete In Detroit Holiday Races
Detroit. Aug. 29 — (AP) — Detroit’s 13th annual powerboat regatta opens on the Detroit River next saturday, highlighted by the 60-mile Silver Cup race labor day.
Slo-Mo-Shun V, the Stanley Sayres speed champion from Seattle, is due in town wednesday. she is expected to star in the Silver Cup’s five 12-mile heats.
Slo-Mo’s opposition will come from Gale II, Such Crust III and V, Miss Great Lakes, Miss U. S. and canada’s Miss Supertest.
Next Saturday’s program of racing begins at 1:15 p.m. and continues through 5 p.m., featuring restricted hydroplane races. the Silver Cup race, for unlimited hydroplanes, is the Labor Day feature.
--- August 30, 1953
Slo-Mo V Arrives
Silver Cup Regatta Hits 48-Boat Entry
Some 48 of the nation’s fastest speedboats have filed entry for the two-day Silver Cup Regatta this week-end.
The 48 - cubic - inch class already has been filled with 16 entries. Not more than 16 entires will be accepted for any class.
Don Wilson’s Who Dat, of Dearborn, heads eight entries in the 135-cubic-lnch class. Who Dat won a year ago. » *
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Chuck Hunter, of Columbus, O„ has entered Miss Columbus in the 225-cublc-inch class in an attempt to win for the second straight year.
John Kress, winner in the 266-cublc-lnch elans, will also defend his championship.
On Labor Day, eight Detroit boats and one from Canada will race against, Stan Sayres for the Silver Clip. Sayres already has the Harmsworth and Gold
Cup trophies with his Slo-Mo boats. Slo-Mo V arrived in Detroit Wednesday afternoon.
-- September 3, 1953