1955 Copper Cup
Gold Cup Boats Will Race in Montana Copper Regatta
POLSON, Mont., Aug. 6.—The Copper cup regatta, sponsored by the Polson Junior Chamber of Commerce, will be held here August 13 and 14.
Traveling copper trophies have been given by the Montana Power company and the Anaconda Copper company as awards In the boat races. Word has been received from Spokane that at least six boats of the 135, 225 and 226 classes will be in Polson for the event. These boats are competing In the Gold Cup races at Seattle this week.
The Washington boats, capable of over 90 miles per hour, will run in two heats each day for one of the copper cups. The sanctioned races of the Montana Boat Racing association will compete for the other copper cup and for points In their season competition. Two classes will run on Saturday and three on Sunday.
Boat Owners Invited
Invitations have gone out to boat owners around the lake to take part in the boat parade which will start each afternoon's Program. Boats will gather south of the Narrows and will follow by color guard before the stands about 1:30 each day.
Further variety will he given to each days events by water skl-shows and inboard and outboard utility boat races. An air show will he given by jet planes loom the Great Falls air base.
Evening entertainment will be a variety show at the boat-grounds In Sacajawea park and will be started off each evening with a concert by the Ronan band. Saturday evening a dance will be held at the Elks' hall following the show.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars will serve a beef barbecue both days at the pit In Sacajawea park and the Jaycees will have food concessions at the regatta grounds.
Jaycee members and others have been busy preparing the grounds, cutting grass, repairing floating docks and painting concession stands.
--- The Spokesman-Review, August 7, 1955