1957 APBA Gold Cup
Plans for the Gold Cup Race [1957]

The proposed revised course for the 1957 Gold Cup Race shown in the accompanying sketch has been approved by the Seattle Yacht Club race committee, according to Ross Merrill, general chairman of this year’s regatta. The new course is located about 1000 ft. south of where the race has been held in past years. This stems from the fact that last year's Seafair Trophy race was held on a three-and-three-quarter mile course while new Gold Cup rules require a three-mile course. The net effect is to move the north turn south about 1000 ft. without materially changing the location of the south turn.
Headquarters for this year's race will be in the new Stanley S. Sayres Memorial Park. Work has already begun on the construction of new facilities for handling future races. These facilities include the new pits, parking space for approximately 500 cars and a central headquarters for the race committee. It is generally agreed among the people closest to the problems involved in handling these races that the centralization of facilities in one area will make for much more efficient handling of the complicated details of an unlimited hydroplane race.
The starting line for the new course is located approximately half way between the north and south turns. This affords a longer approach to the starting line, making likely an even more thrilling start with six boats traveling at top speed in a straight line over a considerably longer distance than in the past.
Following is a complete list of committee appointments for the coming Gold Cup Regatta:
Ross Merrill is general chairman; Bob Hyde, vice chairman ; Con Knutson, chief expediter; Capt. Phil Luther, budget chairman ; Arthur Shorey, course and survey chairman; Dr. Chas. G. Stipp, entertainment chairman; Middleton M. Chism, judges' and timers' chairman; Raymond Ogden Jr., legal chairman; Russell Gibson, log boom chairman; and Gordon S. Clinton, mayor's committee (he has expressed a personal interest as mayor of Seattle in supervising city functions in connection with the race and is assisted by Paul Brown).
Dr. Frank C. Henry is medical committee or fleet surgeon; Joseph Mesdag is official barge chairman; Stanley Martin is patrol chairman; Don Amick, in charge of the hydroplane pits; Bill Burke, program committee; Wheaton Blanchard, publicity chairman; B. Jackson Glidewell, registration; Stanley Donogh, trophy and awards; and Jerry Bryant, chairman of the advisory committee.
Other advisory-committee members are Jim Atisland, Wm. E. Boeing Jr., Edward Black, Don Cooney, Jack Gordon, Anderson S. Joy, Howard Richmond, Willard E. Rhodes, Dr. R. Philip Smith, Jim Spinner, Walter Van Camp, Wm. T. Waggoner Jr., Tom Wheeler Jr. and John Hembury.

This is a sketch of the 1957 course of the Gold Cup regatta on Lake Washington at Seattle, on which are enumerated some of the changes in the course from previous years —
1. The north turn formerly was up near the floating bridge; it has been moved south, permitting a longer "run" at the start of the race;
2. The log boom has been bent around the north turn;
3. The former crowded Mt. Baker pit location no longer is to be headquarters for regatta;
4. The former starting line is abandoned in favor of . . .
5. A line farther south, which is all in one coordinated location, with new pits and headquarters facilities being built at Wetmore Slough. The course formerly was 3¾ miles; its shortening this year to 3 miles permits the new arrangement. Width of the course remains the same, and location of the south turn is substantially the same.
(Reprinted from Sea and Pacific Motor Boat, May 1957)