1964 APBA Gold Cup
Detroit Gets 1964 Gold Cup Race
With a bid of $40,000, Detroit won the bidding for the 1964 running of the Gold Cup Unlimited Hydroplane Race. Seattle was second in the bidding with an offer of $31,500. Lake Tahoe bid $30,500, Guntersville, Alabama, offered $23,375 and Madison, Indiana, bid $12,500.
Last year Detroit also outbid Seattle for the event and which is used to highlight the Spirit of Detroit Festival early in July. That was the first year location of the race was decided on a bid basis. Before that the Gold Cup race was awarded without charge to be home port city of the last year's winning boat. Seattle had hosted five of the previous six Gold Cup races.
Official announcement came from the 60th annual convention of the American Power Boat Association. The APBA also changed its rules so that if some of a day's races are canceled because of bad weather, no points will be a awarded on the basis of one heat.
Ron Musson of Seattle, driver of Miss Bardahl and winner of the Gold Cup in 1963, was given the APBA High Point Award for his season accumulation of 2025 points in unlimited racing.
Detroit officials have set July 5th as the date for 1964 Gold Cup Race.
(Reprinted from Sea and Pacific Motor Boat, January 1964, P. 148)