Lake Washington, Seattle, Washington, August 4, 1968
Select related article . . . History of Thrills, Spills Tough 4 Miles Muncey Qualifies Miss U. S. High on Ladder 1968 Unlimited Hydroplane Roster Miss U.S. Fastest Entry in 1B Bardahl, Eagle Electric in Same Heat Hydro Ladder Hydroplane Handicap Regatta Rules Time the Hydroplanes A Persistent Game Two Rivals Hurled Into the Lake Blow to Bardahl Billy Was Break for Bubblin’ Bill Consistency Paid Off Feverish Battle Waged Backstage in the Pits Gardner Pushes Electric to Near-Record 120.267 ‘Mom’s Going to be Upset’ But Wracked-Up Regas Won’t Retire Frightful Toll in Men, Machinery, But Bill Escaped Patriotic Parable Steady-Running U.S. Hydro Champ Miss U.S. Wins World Championship Hydro Race It's Diamonds For Miss Bardahl Statistics VIDEO: 1968 UIM World Championship
Qualifying plus brief racing footage
9 Min 54 Sec, Colour