Lake Washington, Seattle, Washington, August 3, 1969
Select related article . . . Atlas Starts Seafair Tests With 'POW!' Miss Budweiser Turns Lap at 117.674 m.p.h. Wanderer Flips; Driver Hospitalized Hydro Czar Raps One Day Trials Hydros vs. Yanks Chenoweth Could Take Title With Win in Today's Race Hydro Fans Due for 'Sneak Preview' Today Kasper 'Pitched' Into Hospital Bud Wins Grabs National Point Lead Sterett, Once Retired, Now Title-Bound Winner by 3 Miles Miss Budweiser Wins Seafair Fred Farley Remembers The Wanderer Statistics VIDEO: 1969 Seafair Trophy Race
Race Video - "Thunder on the Lake"
33 Min 44 Sec, Colour
Race Summary - "Echoes of Thunder, V.II"
1 Min 57 Sec, Colour