2001 General Motors Cup At Seafair

VIDEO - 2001 General Motors Cup At Seafair

2001 General Motors Cup At Seafair - Heat 1A [KIRO]

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2001 General Motors Cup At Seafair - Heat 1B [KIRO]

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2001 General Motors Cup At Seafair - Heat 2A [KIRO]

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2001 General Motors Cup At Seafair - Heat 2B [KIRO]

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2001 General Motors Cup At Seafair - Heat 2B Post [KIRO]

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2001 General Motors Cup At Seafair - Heat 3A [KIRO]

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2001 General Motors Cup At Seafair - Heat 3B [KIRO]

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2001 General Motors Cup At Seafair - Provisional Heat [KIRO]

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2001 General Motors Cup At Seafair - Final 1 [KIRO]

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2001 General Motors Cup At Seafair - Final 2 [KIRO]

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2001 General Motors Cup At Seafair - Unlimited Lights 1 [KIRO]

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2001 General Motors Cup At Seafair - Unlimited Lights 2 [KIRO]

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