2006 Atomic Cup

Statistics 1

Atomic Cup
July 29-30 2½ Mile Course 35 Miles


  No. Entry Rep. Driver Comp. Lap Race Qual. Pts.
1. U-2.25 Graham Trucking (4) Ken Muscatel Ken Muscatel 144.085 143.976 30
2. U-3 Conover Insurance (2) Ed Cooper Jimmy King 150.157 161.521 80
3. U-5 Formula Boats.com (2) Ted Porter Weber-Allen (3-4) 144.464 132.227 159.486 60
4. U-7 Formula Boats.com II Ted Porter Mike Allen 151.988 156.625 40
5. U-6 Oh Boy Oberto (9) Bob Hughes Steve David 148.399 138,812 153.94 30
6. U-9 Jack-sons Sports Bar (2) Mike Jones Chris Bertram 130.323 147.691 30
7. U-10 Solutions Plus Kim Gregory J.W. Myers 151.681 140.108 160.912 70
8. U-13 Spirit of Detroit (3) Dave Bartush Michael Kelly 142.837 151.374 30
9. U-1 Miss E-Lam Plus (3) Erick Ellstrom Dave Villwock 150.26 161.899 100
10. U-21 Area Codes Cellular Jeff Johnson Kevin Aylesworth 139.391 149.66 30
11. U-37 Beacon Plumbing (4) Bill Schumacher Jean Theoret 153.126 137.186 158.083 50
12. U-99 Miss Lakeridge Paving (1) Fred Leland Jeff Bernard 142.02 145.582 30
13. U-100 American Dream (2) Fred Leland Greg Hopp 142.38 147.039 30


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Atomic Cup Dash For Cash
July 28 2½ Mile Course 7½ Miles


  Entry   Pts. Heat 1 Comp. Lap
1. Graham Trucking (000) 1 000 139.320 143.334
2. Area Codes Cellular (000) 2 000 138.248 139.987


* * *

  Entry Heat 1 Heat 2 Heat 3 Heat 4
1. Miss E-Lam Plus (1300) A 400 149.311 A DNS A 400 148.473 F 400 142.272
2. Solutions Plus (1139) B5 169 133.457 A 300 144.401 A 300 144.603 F 300 139.114
3. Oh Boy Oberto (1255) B2 400 142.961 B 300 139.709 B 300 145.390 F 225 132.333
4. Beacon Plumbing (746) *B1 0 148.718 A 400 149.742 A 127 131.083 F 169 128.254
5. Formula Boats.com (839) B3 300 135.776 B 127 126.864 A 225 143.22 F 127 127.519
6. Conover Insurance (949) A 300 148.77 B 400 144.532 A 169 141.239 F DNF
7. Area Codes Cellular (593) A 225 112.883 B 169 127.403 B 169 120.568 F DNS
8. Miss Lakeridge Paving (480) A DNF A 225 134.974 B 225' 140.123
9.. Jack-sons Sports Bar (463) A 169 100.955 A 169 111.042 A 95 122.345
10. Formula Boats.com II (440) A DNF *A DSQ B 400 148.415
11. American Dream (350) B4 225 135.225 B 95 121.096 B DSQ
12. Spirit of Detroit (255) A DNF B 225 134,242 B DNS
13. Graham Trucking (228) B6 127 119.768 A DNS A 71 100.849


Statistics from Greene, V.2