2009 Oryx Cup UIM World Championship

Statistics 1

Oryx Cup U.I.M. World Championship
November 20-21 2 Mile Course 42 Miles


No. Entry Rep. Driver Comp. Lap Race Qual. Pts.
1. U-5 Formulaboats.com (2) Ted Porter Jeff Bernard 146.908 130.271 40
2. U- 7 Graham Trucking (6) Ted Porter Michael Kelly 139.958 130.603 135.32 60
3. U-6 Oh Boy! Oberto (10) Bob Hughes Steve David 141.975 145.096 80
4. U-16 Miss E-Lam Plus (3) Erick Ellstrom Dave Villwock 149.225 137.833 146.427 100
5. U-17 Our Gang Racing Nate Brown Nate Brown 135.705 134.386 50
6. U-22 Matrix Systems Mike Webster Mike Webster 117.862 119.848 30
7. U-25 Superior Racing Ken Muscatel Ken Muscatel 121.568 CO
8. U-37 Miss Peters & Mary Bill Schumacher Jean Theoret 145.275 129.142 137.654 70
9. U-48 Go Gast, Turn Left Greg O'Farrell Brian Perkins 122.087 124.776 30
10. U-100 Leland Unlimited Fred Leland Greg Hopp 131.054 CO


Heat Results (Pt. 1 of 2)
  Entry Heat 1 Heat 2
1. Graham Trucking (1710) A 400 137.508 A 225 117.52
2. Oh Boy! Oberto (1380) B 300 134.341 A 400 132.301
3. Miss E-Lam Plus (1825) B 400 137.84 B 400 135.594
4. Miss Peters & May (1108) *A 2 169 131.823 B 300 131.1
5. Formulaboats.com (1190) B 225 131.09 A 300 129.882
6. Our Gang Racing (1119) A 3 300 117.521 B 169 123.804
7. Go Fast, Turn Left (720) *B 127 116.213 A 169 112.197
8. Leland Unlimited (394) B 169 120.439 B 225 124.06
9. Matrix Systems (255) A 4 225 114.357 A DNF
10. Superior Racing (000) *A DNF


Heat Results (Pt. 2 of 2)
  Entry Heat 3 Heat 4 Final Heat
1. Graham Trucking (1710) B 225 128.893 A 400* 133.4 F 400 136.301
2. Oh Boy! Oberto (1380) B 300 136.861 A DSQ F 300 133.433
3. Miss E-Lam Plus (1825) B 400 141.417 *B 1 300 146.578 F 225 130.455
4. Miss Peters & May (1108) *A 2 DSQ 133.947 B 3 400 128.197 F 169 122.744
5.. Formulaboats.com (1190) A 400 139.361 *B 2 225 145.775 F DSQ
Our Gang Racing (1119) A 3 300 112.006 A 300 131.251 F DNS
7. Go Fast, Turn Left (720) *B 169 120.894 A 225 115.617
8. Leland Unlimited (394) A DNF A DNS
9. Matrix Systems (255) A DNS
10. Superior Racing (000)


* Penalty
@ Penalty plus a loss of points
# Short Heat
Italicized number preceding a point total indicates the physical finish of an entry when the point total does not so indicate.

[Statistics from Greene, V.2]