2009 Thunder on the Ohio

Statistics 1

Thunder On The Ohio
Evansville, Indiana 2 Mile Course 28 Miles


  No. Entry Rep Driver Comp. Lap Race Qual. Pts.
1. U-3 Master Tire (3) Ed Cooper Jimmy King 150.693 151.841 70
2. U-5 Formulaboats.com (2) Ted Porter Jeff Bernard 145.893 141.077 150.756 60
3. U-7 Graham Trucking (6) Ted Porter Michael Kelly 145.187 150.379 50
4. U-6 Oh Boy! Oberto (10) Bob Hughes Steve David 151.713 155.215 100
5. U-16 Miss E-Lam Plus (3) Erick Ellstrom Dave Villwock 149.194 154.748 80
6. U-17 Seal Shield Nate Brown Nate Brown-Kip (1) 133.536 148.453 30
7. U-22 Matrix Systems Mike Webster Mike Webster 118.896 129.029 CO
8. U-25 Superior Racing (6) Ken Muscatel Ken Muscatel 132.857 125.654 129.352 30
9. U-37 Renton Coil Spring Bill Schumacher Jean Theoret 141.501 148.484 40
10. U-48 Miss Albert Lee (1) Greg O'Farrell Brian Perkins 138.608 140.175 30
11. U-100 Mirage Boats.com (2) Fred Leland Greg Hopp 138.050 123.878 143.420 30


Heat Summaries (Pt. 1 of 2)
  Entry Heat 1 Heat 2
1. Formulaboats.com (1660) B 400 135.636 B 400 143.153
2. Graham Trucking (1250) #A 3 300 136.451 A 300 137.049
3. Oh Boy! Oberto (875) A 1 -150 149.039 A 400 142.482
4. Mirage Boats.com (893) B 300 133.116 B 169 99.322
5. Superior Racing (720) B 169 125.868 A 225 129.690
6. Miss E-Lam Plus (384) #A DNF A DNS
7. Master Tire (1170) #A 2 400 142.326 B 300 141.807
8. Renton Coil Spring (715) #A 4 225 128.054 B 225 139.722
9. Miss Albert Lee (495) #A 5 169 121.837 A 169 124.195
10. Matrix Systems (381) B 127 117.824 A 127 112.955
11. Seal Shield (255) B 225 128.485 B DNS


Heat Summaries (Pt. 2 of 2)
  Entry Heat 3 Final Heat Provisional
1. Formulaboats.com (1660) A 400 145.765 F 400 140.395
2. Graham Trucking (1250) A 300 144.555 F 300 139.854
3. Oh Boy! Oberto (875) B 300 142.284 F 225 138.092
4. Mirage Boats.com (893) B 225 134.119 F 169 131.808
5. Superior Racing (720) A 169 126.452 F 127 122.706
6. Miss E-Lam Plus (384)
7. Master Tire (1170) B 400 146.837 F DNF
8. Renton Coil Spring (715) A 225 136.417 F W/D
9. Miss Albert Lee (495) A 127 119.767 2 134.60
10. Matrix Systems (381) B 127 112.326
11. Seal Shield (255) @B 169 124.899 @T 95 114.415 1 142.138


@ Points transfered by agreement to U-16 Miss E-Lam Plus
+ 250 Point Penalty
Italicized number before a point total indicates the physical finish of an entry when the point total does not so indicate.

[Statistics from Greene, V.2]